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How to Hedge Real Estate

How to Hedge Real Estate © Martin A. Armstrong Hedging real estate always offers a few new problems. Some will argue that buying gold will provide an adequate medium to hedge against a collapse in real estate. Such suggestions usually tend to draw on 1929 as an example. As usual, suggestions of this sort know a […]

The History of Gold

The History of Gold by Martin A. Armstrong This page is currently under construction. The full text of the research into the History of Gold will be added to this site in the near future.

Is Paper Money Constitutional?

Copyright Martin A. Armstrong, all right reserved March 18th, 2012 Please register for Special Updates ArmstrongEconomics.COM / Princeton Economic Institute Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved  Disclaimer: Futures, Options, and Currency trading all have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept […]

The Cataline Affair

The Cataline Affair Catiline was a ruinously debt-ridden patrician with a dangerously unstable character yet possessed considerable magnetic charm, to which aristocratic women and youths were as susceptible as proletarians. Catiline had been Sulla‘s agent and his record was questionable, to say the least. He held the governorship of Africa and his administration of that provence was […]

Edward the Confessor

Edward the Confessor Silver Penny 1042-1066 Edward the Confessor was the son of Aethelred II. Edward was raised in Normandy where he lived until he was called to the throne in 1042 upon the death of Harthacnut(Hardicanute). During his reign, power truly resided in the hands of the Earl Godwin, whose daughter Edgitha was married Edward. It […]

Ptolemy VI – 180-145 BC

Monetary History of Egypt Ptolemaic Dynasty Ptolemy VI Philometor 180-164 & 163-145 B.C. Ptolemy VI Philometor was the sixth ruler of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. He was born the son and of Ptolemy V Epiphanes and his Syrian wife Cleopatra I. Like his father, Ptolemy VI came to the throne at the age of only 5 following his […]

1690 – 1774 A.D. The Dawn of Capitalism

Part III of IV—A Brief History of World Credit & Interest Rates by Martin A. Armstrong ©Copyright PEI  1690 – 1774 AD The eighteenth century was a period of strong economic and political growth for Britain. Constitutional parliamentary government, which had replaced the monarchy, appeared to foster great national expansion. The currency of Britain remained […]

Trebonianus Gallus – 251-253 AD

Trebonianus Gallus 251-253 AD C. Vibius Trebonianus Gallus was born about 206 AD at Perugia in Italy. He was a Senator, had served as Consul and was Governor of Upper Moesia beginning around 250 AD. Trebonianus Gallus served in the army holding a high rank and playing a leading role in the Danube wars under Trajan […]

Antoninus Pius – 138-161AD

Antoninus Pius 138 – 161 AD Born 86 – Died 161 AD, Age 75 Titus Aurelius Fulvua Boionius Arrius Antoninus, known to history as Antoninus Pius, was born of a good family in Nimes in the Gallia Narbonensis region (Southern France). Several members of his family had served as consuls of Rome, which enabled him […]

Aelius Caesar – 136-138AD

Aelius Caesar As Caesar, 136 – 138 AD In 136 AD, Hadrian was in failing health and chose that moment to select his successor. Hadrian chose Lucius Ceionius Commodus, and upon his adoption, his name was changed to Lucius Aelius Caesar. Aelius was the son of a powerful senatorial family who came to the attention […]