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The Global Hunt for Money

COMMENT: Dear Martin, The hunting for taxes is a non stop game in Portugal. Now, the new government, decided to increase fuel taxes as they said because “oil price is going down and government is getting less VAT due to lower prices.”. This was THE OFFICIAL government explanation to add a special tax on fuel! […]

The Game is Over – Market Perspective

The fuse has been lit. The world economy is in serious trouble and we have the worst possible people at the helm. You have Obama who wants to double the funding for the SEC and CFTC to go after the banks because he smells blood. He also wants to add a $10 tax to oil […]

The World View

The year 2015 was 13 years up from the 2002 low in the stock market following the DOT.COM bubble. That low was rather significant for many markets have yet to exceed that 2000 nominal high, such as in France. This has warned, as was the case in gold from 2011, that a correction became possible. […]

An Overview of the Political Storm

Trump and Sanders have a lot more in common than people suspect. What is Bernie saying at the core? He needs a revolution to get most of what he is talking about passed. While he is misguided with attacking the “rich” whom the tax code defines as anyone earning $250,000 in “household” income (i.e. not […]

The Declining Level of Confidence in Govt. & Gold

QUESTION:  Martin, You have said on multiple occasions, that gold will only rise when the Market loses confidence in the Gov’t.This Mid-Benchmark Rally you note here in this this a temporary blip???, temporary rally???, that will still pop and go bust to the low side??? Or are people losing Confidence in Gov’t now??? is […]

USA: Where Politicians Are Free to Rig the Game

As to be expected, the Republicans are up to dirty tricks to try to prevent Trump from being the candidate. After the Iowa Caucus, reports are surfacing from volunteers who say that their precincts were being combined into one large mob to push the vote to Cruz. Iowa was always a rigged game, and generally […]

Cruz takes Iowa; Hillary in Dead Heat

The vote is in and Senator Ted Cruz has come out on top in the presidential caucuses in Iowa, beating Donald Trump. The Democratic vote resulted in a virtual dead heat between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Iowa, unfortunately, always votes religion before practical economics and it will ultimately be their own economic doom. Well, Christ […]

They Had No Answers at Davos

COMMENT:  Hi Marty, Found this on Reuters website in an article entitled ‘Desperate in Davos: policymakers struggle for answers’. The most interesting part was this: ‘At a lunch entitled “The End of Political Consensus”, there was broad agreement that rising inequality, and the sense that elites were only looking out for themselves, was fuelling […]

Schengen Agreement & the Fall of Europe

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, You have been nominated for the FX analyst of the year in 2016 again. True, your calls on the Euro and the Swiss peg were amazing. But what has fascinated me even more is you also forecast that the Schengen Agreement would come to an end before the refugee crisis. Can you […]

What Would Goldman Sachs Do If It Lost Both Parties?

According to a New Hampshire poll released by Monmouth University Poll Institute on Tuesday, Bernie Sanders has 53% support compared to Clinton’s 39%, and Martin O’Malley is in third place at 5%. Meanwhile, Trump soars well ahead of everyone else and Bush collapsed to 4%. This begs the question: What will Goldman Sachs do if it does not […]