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Trajan – 98-117AD

Trajan Emperor, 98 – 117 AD Born 52 – Died 117 AD, Age 65 Marcus Ulpius Trajanus was born in Italica in Spain about the year 52 AD. His family was originally from Umbria in Italy. His father, of the same name, was a senator and had served as consul. He was also governor of […]

Nero – 54-68 AD

NERO (54 – 68AD) Born 37 – Died 68 AD, Age 31 Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (Nero) was born on the 15th of December at Annum, a small Italian seaside community, in 37 AD. He was the son of Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus and Agrippina Junior., daughter of Germanicus, sister of Caligula, and fourth wife to Emperor Claudius. Nero’s […]

Tiberius – 14-37 AD

Tiberius 14 – 37 AD born 42 BC – died 37 AD, age 78 Tiberius Claudius Nero was born on November 16, 42 BC, the elder son of Tiberius Claudius Nero and Livia. Tiberius was most likely born on Palatine Hill in Rome where he and his younger brother Nero Claudius Drusus, spent much of their early childhood. However, his early childhood […]

Chronology by Emperor

Roman Republic Imperators Pompey the Great – 48BC Gnaeus Pompey Junior Sextus Pompey Magnus Gaius Julius Caesar – 44BC Assassins of Caesar Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42BC) Gaius Cassius Longinus (42-43BC)(brother-in-law of Brutus) Cn Domitus Ahenobarbus (41BC) (supporter of Brutus) Marcus Aqvinus Legatius (43-42BC) (supporter Cassius) Quintus Hortensius Hortalus (43-42BC) (executed Caius Antonius) Quintus Cornuficius (42-41BC) […]

Gaius Julius Caesar – 44BC

Dictator, 48 – 44 BC Born 100 BC – Assassinated 44 BC, age 56 Temple of Alexandria & the Black Bust of Caesar Commissioned by Cleopatra Gaius Julius Caesar was born to an aristocratic family. His parents were Gaius Julius Caesar and Aurelia. Julius was born on July 13th, 100 BC, for whom the month of July is named. […]

Will Leverage Cause The Financial World to Blow Up?

Will Leverage Cause The Financial World to Blow Up? By Martin A. Armstrong Copyright October 9th, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute There has always been the question of leverage that enters into the process of any financial panic. The degree of leverage within the system is a key factor in determining just how severe the panic […]

World Ends Here?

by Martin A. Armstrong copyright October 7, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute The sheer chaos that is unfolding within the financial markets has now reached a level that simply requires government intervention within the foreign exchange sector. We have warned repeatedly that government intervention is wrong and that it disrupts the world economy by attempt to […]

The Crash of 1998 Day 34 Update

The Crash of 1998 Day 34 Update Clearly the Worst this Century By Martin A. Armstrong © Princeton Economic Institute September 5th, 1998 Previous Postings Great Financial Panics In History When we first published a comparison of this current debacle 12 days from the high, we ran the headline “Worst Crash This Century”. We received […]

Is this the Next Great Depression?

Is this the Next Great Depression? Bond Defaults from 1931 By Martin A. Armstrong August 27, 1998 Copyright Princeton Economic Institute The collapse of Russia is having a profound impact upon the entire global financial markets from stocks, commodities and gold to currencies and bonds. Of all the great financial panics in history, this one […]

The Crash of '98 Continues

The Crash of ’98 Continues By Martin A. Armstrong August 14, 1998 Copyright Princeton Economic Institute While our clients have been amazed that our computer model called for the peak in the stocks markets as July 20th, 1998 more than 4 years ago, some visitors to this site have sent their emails of disapproval. We […]