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Two-Tier Monetary Systems & Local Alternative Currencies

Throughout history there has been countless two-tier monetary systems where at times there have been a local currency issued by the immediate government, yet the people rely upon the currency of another government. Such periods are interesting for they are not official but emerge by the people rather than through a decree of a government. […]

Italian Impasse – A Good Thing

In Italy, the majority of voters endorsed parties that had promised to reverse the financial sacrifices Italy had promised its European partners or at least temper them. This whole European austerity program will tear Europe apart and the Euro will not survive. The attenpt to create a single currency without a single debt was the […]

Gold – Silver – Hyperinflation

It is vital to understand that what we face is by no means the plain vanilla version of governments just printing into hyperinflation. These people are fighting back as is ALWAYS the case with core and major economies. The German hyperinflation took place AFTER a revolution with a unstable government that lacked credit. When there […]

The Untold Truth About The German Hyperinflation

Many people pay attention to the German Hyperinflation of the 1920’s, yet fail to understand that such an economic crisis followed the German Revolution of 1918. The German Revolution was a politically driven civil conflict in Germany at the end of World War I, which resulted in the replacement of Germany’s imperial government with a […]

Moody Cuts UK Credit Rating

If anyone doubts we are in a serious Sovereign Debt Crisis, then explain why even the Credit Agencies are cutting the credit ratings of sovereign nations. There was France, and now there is the UK. Moody’s cuts the UK Credit Rating to Aa1 from Aaa, citing weakness in the nation’s medium-term growth outlook that it now […]

Greece – The Canary In The Coal Mine

The ultimate price of Marxism is striking its deep blow into the very heart of Western Society. We are about to learn the VERY same lesson that both Russia and China had to learn. You cannot control society through its economy by dictating prosperity. President Karolos Papoulias of Greece has come out and made a very […]

Greek Communism Rising

Tens of thousands of anti-austerity demonstrators, who included members of the pro-communist union PAME, gathered during a protest in Athens on Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013. Perhaps 40,000 filled the streets of Athens as unions staged a massive general strike to protest government spending cuts and tax hikes. It is widely criticized that these austerity measure will […]

Thank You – There is More to Come – Currency Collapse?

“I think you’re a positive influence to many more then you think, and I know they hope you stay the course.  A lot of my friends read your work and appreciate it.  There’s always going to be haters, and who knows why and who can explain them??  I’ve observed my life that some people simply […]

Gold – Reality Check

The chaos in gold is typical. Already, the hate mail has begun. “Stop the Bullshit” one said because demand in Shanghai is at record highs.It takes far more than one country to make a bull market. Others just blame me for the decline because they just listen to those who always say buy. The New […]

Magna Carta 1215 Version

JOHN, by the grace of God King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and Count of Anjou, to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls, barons, justices, foresters, sheriffs, stewards, servants, and to all his officials and loyal subjects, Greeting.   KNOW THAT BEFORE GOD, for the health of our soul and those […]