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Worst So Far This Century

The Current Crash of 1998 Is the worst so far this Century By Martin A. Armstrong Princeton Economic Institute © Copyright August 5th, 1998 There are many ways to measure the magnitude of a crash. Some might look at the overall points. This is not a valid statistic since the entire Crash of 1929 was […]

On The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation Part 3

Chapter 23: On Bounties on Production It may not be uninstructive to consider the effects of a bounty on the production of raw produce and other commodities, with a view to observe the application of the principles which I have been endeavouring to establish, with regard to the profits of stock, the division of the […]

An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Book 2

BOOK TWO – INTRODUCTION OF THE NATURE, ACCUMULATION, AND EMPLOYMENT OF STOCK ——————————————————————————– IN that rude state of society in which there is no division of labour, in which exchanges are seldom made, and in which every man provides everything for himself, it is not necessary that any stock should be accumulated or stored up […]

Money and the Evolution of Banking

The Origins of Money Chapter II By Martin A. Armstrong Money and the Evolution of Banking While prostitution has long been regarded as the first profession and lawyers as close second, the banking profession is clearly the third oldest known to humankind. The invention of banking preceded that of coinage by several thousand years. Banking […]


Martin Armstrong was born in New Jersey the son of a lawyer and Lt. Col under General Patton in World War II. Martin was encouraged by his father to get involved in computers during the mid-1960s. He completed engineering both in hardware and software but after being offered positions by a government contractor RCA in […]

Armstrong Economics Email List and Updates in 2012

Hello All – many of you have registered for the Armstrong Economics Email List and are awaiting updates to be sent out to that list. We are working on some updates to the site, conferences and publication plans for 2012, and once we have that squared away you’ll begin to see updates to that list. […]

Armstrong Economics email list…

Hello All – We appreciate the patience while Martin squares things away and is able to publish his writings again. Many of you have registered for the email list and we encourage more to do the same. As those of you who are already registered know, this list is for future updates, so best way […]

Updates Posted

All – There appeared to be a corrupt file posted for one of Martin’s most recent writings, which has since been updated (World Share Market Outlook & The Grand Unified Theory). In addition, another writing has been posted, “Australia & The Current Account Deficit”. As a reminder, the email list is for future special reports […] Blog Update

Updates on events and research from world economist Martin Armstrong. Subscribe to our email list for future updates