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Putin Forms Alliance Against US use of Force in Syria

  Russian President Vladimir Putin is finding the anti-American sentiment rising among the G20. Obama has done far more to destroy the image of the United States than perhaps any president post-Great Depression. The countries of China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa and Italy are now lining up against a military intervention in Syria by the […]

Dirty Dealing on Syria in Washington

The only key Arab nations supporting Obama are Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that is all about the pipeline blocked by Syria. There are even rumors that the Cyprus event was used to cripple Russians and cut-off their eventual access to a huge gas field there yet to be brought into production. If the Russians […]

Pension Crisis Fueled by Manipulation of Interest Rates by Central Banks

The pension crisis is beginning to emerge as a real growing problem. The central banks have been keeping interest rates low for the primary reason of reducing the national debts. In Germany, they are beginning to notice that not merely are government pensions growing faster than private as public servants help themselves to our income […]

Obama Desperate to Attack Syria to Distract People from Budget Crisis

Sources directly from Capitol Hill revealed that three separate letters were sent to Obama from members of Congress warning him not to take action on Syria before they return. That has been the whole point. Obama faces a debt ceiling battle in September and the Treasury runs out of money in October. John Boehner is […]

Gold Continues to Rise in India

  The most important aspect to understand about BULL MARKETS is the proper definition – for a bull market to occur, the item must rise in terms of ALL currencies otherwise it is merely adjusting for local conditions. Illustrated above is gold expressed in a basket of currencies and dollars. While everyone was so bullish […]

Obama Under Pressure on His Syria Nonsense

Obama is not finding it as easy to start a war as Dick Cheney via his patsy George Bush, Jr. Three letters were delivered from Congress to Obama. They informed him that he should not go to war with Syria before Congress returns. Obama tried to skirt that issue of not consulting Congress by just […]

Saudis offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops Syria

The decision to go into Syria has been in the works. Europe and the USA need a war to divert everyone from the economic crisis that is looming. According to the British newspaper the Telegraph, Saudi Arabia’s Bandar threatened Putin with Olympic terror if he backed Syria. These people are really messing with the wrong guy. […]

Gold – Dow & War

Gold has rallied up to the key resistance level. We now need a weekly closing above the 1423 level before we go further on any sustained basis. The Daily Bullish Reversals are 144500, 146200, and 147730. The Daily Bearish now lies at 135400 so watch that level below. We should have had a temporary high […]

NSA Bugged even the UN – War & Commodities

The NSA even bugged the United Nations in addition to the European Parliament. I suppose al qaeda had infiltrated the UN headquarters and they probably must be listing themselves and the careers on Facebook. And now we must go to war. If the China gassed people, would we invade China? We are the bully in the […]

When The Top Are Criminals – There Is Nobody To Enforce The Law

There is no government that has prosecuted its citizens more than the United States. The USA has more people in prison than Europe, China, and Russia nearly even combined. New York City and Mayor Bloomberg spends $168,000 per year per inmate. When you consider that only 4% of the people in prison are there for […]