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Is the Supreme Court Acting Unconstitutional?

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, Re: The Ted Cruz/John Kasich Conspiracy and your comments about the Constitution and USC In your opinion, might it be a crime to deny registered independents the right to vote in a primary? Pennsylvania, one of only 11 states remaining with this law, is a prime example. Thank you for a […]

Why Government Cannot Create Inflation

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have listened to the gold propaganda and believed in it initially but with time they always say the same thing and nothing happens. One would think that this helicopter money should have produced inflation. This effort has failed as Japan and Europe keep moving negative punishing people for not spending. Now […]

Market Talk – April 22, 2016

A little overdue but today we heard from the Bank of Japan and possible proposals to take rates even further negative and the likelihood banks passing these levels on to end retail. The Nikkei obviously liked it rallying 1.2% on the day whilst the Yen weakened over 2%. Both the Shanghai and HSI had mixed […]

Draghi at War with Reason & Other Central Banks

Tensions are starting to rise between Germany and the ECB because Draghi will not admit his negative interest rates are causing an economic meltdown. “We continue to expect them (interest rates) to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time, and well past the horizon of our net asset purchases.” Draghi is absolutely […]

Market Talk – April 21, 2016

Hang Seng decided to join the Nikkei’s performance overnight with both indices returning a 2% gain for the day. Sadly, the Shanghai was unable to join the fun with that market eventually closing down -0.7%. Actually, that was a result as earlier in the day it had been down 4%. A large shortage of liquidity […]


COMMENT: Marty; Stunning! Silver bounced off your number by 3 cents. It was 30 cents in gold. No wonder the government wanted your code. REPLY: The numbers are the numbers and the timing is the timing. Yes, this was the target week. Be careful. We have two weekly Directional Changes here so expect this to […]

ECB & Helicopter Money

So-called helicopter money involves using a central bank’s power to create money to directly inject funds either into government coffers or straight into the pockets of the public. Yet, nothing has been working and the ECB is now stating that they will continue to buy in debt, but they will also buy corporate debt. On […]

What Are Tangible Assets?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, In your April 20 blog post, you stated, “You are better off with tangible assets for the transition when it comes.” Please explain what “tangible” assets are, and what “non-tangible” assets are, assuming these also exist. Thanks for the wonderful education, M. ANSWER: Tangible assets are non-debt related, fixed assets in general. This […]

Market Talk – April 20, 2016

Nikkei opened well and also saw a retracement of the JPY, but unfortunately, other Asian indices did not follow suit. Having seen a 0.5% gain in the first hour of trading, we spent the rest of the day drifting back to almost unchanged. Shanghai and Hang Seng, meanwhile, were hit from the opening and really […]

Central Banks Are Trapped – Are Higher Interest Rates the Only Answer?

COMMENT: Marty, well it looks like you have done it. The central banks are going to start raising interest rates right in line with your model. It is interesting how your computer puts the entire world before you to see. Keep up the good work. They obviously are starting to follow you. SS REPLY: I […]