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Answering Questions on Gold

QUESTION: Marty, it appears you are correct once again in gold that this rally would not reverse the trend. The gold promoters have been all over the place claiming gold has bottomed and the stock market and the world will go to zero because of fiat. Is there a number we should be watching below […]

The Coming Phase Transition & the Dow

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for all you do.  I do have one question in regards to the Phase Transition above 23000 into the 35000-40000 number you have spoke of.  If we experience a close below 15500 for the month of August and see a continued correction into October to  around the 12000-13000 number would the […]

False Move = August Low in Dow

A false move is measured from the high, not current time. Therefore, a FALSE MOVE would be two to three months from the May high in the Dow, which means an August low. That can be on a closing basis with an intraday in September and a rally for the close, or it is just an August […]

Say Goodbye to the Euro by 2016?

Politicians never get enough and never tell the truth. Perhaps they are right and can fool the people in general. Expect this move soon in your country. They are pretending they need to grab every phone call, text, and email for terrorism when in fact they are hunting money. So what do you do when […]

Osborne is Destroying the British Real Estate Market

One reason someone like Donald Trump is so popular is because he is not a brain-dead politician with some practical market sense. The establishment based press keeps trying to sink his ship so we all suffer the pains of no change. In Britain, George Osborne’s “shock tax” is starting to sink in. In the process, hundreds of […]

Clintons Spend $110,000 on Two-Week “Working Vacation”

Hillary outspent Trump for a two-week vacation in the Hamptons, totaling $110,000. She obviously knows how to help the poor. Oh, and she claims it’s a “working vacation” – that means donations pay for her lavish lifestyle.

The Rise of a Third Party or Transcendence to a New Political Era?

QUESTION: Question about the post. So the rise of Donald trump and Ben Carson within the Republican Party is parallel to a rise in a third party? Even if they someone won a would be a republican? I would say it’s just as good especially trump not being beholden to special interests. I would liken […]

The Election of 2016

vs. Establishment Tons of e-mails have been pouring in asking (1) how our computer forecasts so many things, and (2) how it is often right decades in advance. The two front runners are the two non-politicians. The establishment’s choice, Mr. Bush, is holding on to 5%. The press keeps attacking Trump in an attempt to […]

Confiscating Gold

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Has the banning of items used by people always led to those items becoming more expensive? First thought is the prohibition of alcohol but wouldn’t Gold also become more “expensive” or “valuable” if Governments were to ban the use or possession of it? What are your thoughts on that? With warm greetings […]

Buy & Hold Strategy – Only For Fools?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong: Thanks for teaching me, that there are no conspiracy theories created by any Rothschild or Rochefeller, in order to manipulate the markets. What do you think about the Warren Buffett´s strategy of “buy and hold”?. This strategy is against all cycles!. I look forward to hearing from you as soon […]