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Truth about Politics

Obama came to office yelling about “fat cat bankers” and “corporate jet owners.” He then rescinded all the Dodd-Frank restraints against the bankers, and Goldman Sachs was the largest donor behind the University of California. Whatever these politicians say they stand for during an election, you can bet is pure bullshit. Whatever they say they […]

Europeans – Get Out While you Can?

QUESTION: Hey Martin. I’ve been a reader of your for years now. Thank you for everything you are doing. I live in Europe in Finland and I can feel this continent collapsing. Do I understand you correctly. You suggest that we Europeans open a bank account somewhere else, hold our savings in dollars and when gold bottoms we buy […]

Market Talk April 14th, 2016

The market was right to focus on the Japanese Yen over the past few days having witnessed a convincing dip in the Nikkei that many wish they had bought. Having been concerned last week of the 16k level, tonight we are discussing the 17k point after a 530 point rally today. Both Shanghai and Hang […]

Market Talk as of Close of April 13th, 2016

JPY remained the focal point for Asia, well that was until the market realized it had finally turned. The JPY took out the 109 handle and dealers were less concerned and comfort returned to the Nikkei. The session went from strength to strength closing up almost 2% on the day. The Shanghai and Hang Seng […]

Market Talk – April 11, 2016

The Yen has reversed some of its gains from last week but not before attempting more early in the day. Having hit highs early in the session it spent the majority of the day drifting lower to close over the 108 handle. The Nikkei, therefore, saw the exact reverse having hit session lows early then […]

Why Are the U.S. Elections So Important?

Those in Washington like to blow their own horn by claiming the American president is the “leader of the free world,“ but all they do is talk among themselves and the journalists covering politics in Washington who do not actually investigate anything. Let’s just look at this chart as if it were a market. Notice that […]


QUESTION: Marty, I have not seen you write about the Vikings. Did you take their rise and fall into consideration in your model? YC ANSWER: Of course. The monetary history of the Vikings is tied to England as well as global warming. The rise of the Vikings was due to global warming from a natural cyclical […]

Market Closings for Week of 04/04

Gold needs a closing ABOVE 1254.50 to signal a rally. A closing below 1225 would warn of a decline. Between these two numbers is still neutral. In silver we nee a daily closing above 1551 on a daily basis to signal a rally but a closing above 1531 today will keep silver in a neutral […]

Market Talk — April 7, 2016

The main topic again last night was the magnitude of the advancing Yen. Despite a convincing break below the 109 (and 108 in European trading) the Nikkei only managed to hold ground to show a modest (0.22%) gain on the day. The Shanghai fell over 1.3% overnight and only just managed to hold the psychological […]

The Panama Papers

A lot of emails have been coming in with regard to the Panama Papers. Let me say this from the outset — Panama has been the key place to establish offshore accounts for decades. This was not a government hack. The German daily Suddeutsche Zeitung obtained the stash of records from an anonymous source and shared […]