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ECM – Just Follow the Money

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Has the ECM failed to predict events in the past? If so, which ones and were you able to modify to address the flaw? If not, what event(s) would need to occur to disprove the validity of the ECM? Best Regards, Kyle ANSWER: No. It is a composite of everything, not anything […]

Its a Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy

QUESTION: Today employment came with 195K. 1- If Europe is imploding, China slowing, Emerging markets slowing, is the US employment story sustainable? 2- After the governments bond collapse beyond 2015.75, could USA devalue the dollar and make a combination of bond default with a new currency? 3- Is physical gold in the allocated form in a […]

Civil Unrest in Egypt

QUESTION: How does your model predict even civil unrest like this? It is honestly quite intriguing. ANSWER: True. I have come to understand that fundamental events like this are NEVER the cause of a trend, but the response to a trend. In other words, it is the economic factors that causes the change in social […]

Manipulating the World

QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong. I visited New York on business and after the market closed yesterday we went to a bar. I was shocked when the group at the next table of Wall Streeters were talking about you. The consensus was you were probably the greatest analyst that ever existed and how Bloomberg News will never […]

Forget the Fiat – It’s CONFIDENCE

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, In a recent post you write, “HYPERINFLATION takes place not because of any threshold in the quantity of money that has been crossed. It is a matter of confidence.”  Is there any historical precedence for a people losing confidence in a currency, where it is being restricted, i.e., not printed in […]

As US Economy Turns Down Due to Taxes – So Does the World

Obama and the Democrats have to get through their thick skull that Karl Marx’s ideas are dead. The Collapse of Communism proved that and now it is their turn with socialism that really is the same thing – the people are incapable to spending their own money so government should do it for them. Government […]

Sorry – Its Just Gibberish

QUESTION: The economist Robert Wiedemer, author of the New York Times best-selling book Aftershock, has forecasted that unemployment will rise to 50%, the stock market will crash by 90%, and the annual inflation will hit 100% starting in 2013. What is your view on this scenario? ANSWER: Gibberish. Pure insanity. This is the same thing as […]

Snowden – Supreme Court held the Judge can sentence you for Acquitted Conduct Making Juries Irrelevant

Glenn Greenwald of Britain’s The Guardian newspaper said Edward Snowden chose the semi-autonomous Chinese region Hong Kong because it was the least bad option open to him. Greenwald said that Snowden wanted to remain out of the “clutches” of the U.S. government for as long as possible but is fully aware that he won’t succeed. Snowden […]

Snowden’s Rude Awakening – USA Does Control Most of the World

Edward Snowden has made a public statement to the China Post. “I am not here to hide from justice; I am here to reveal criminality,” “My intention is to ask the courts and people of Hong Kong to decide my fate. I have been given no reason to doubt your system.” It is a […]

US Politicians Out of Touch with Reality – Euro Rally

The outrage of the US sucking up everything and storing it is classic George Orwell. The Republican leader is also a disgrace. This is how stupid he is calling Snowden a Traitor. He was outraged by the Obama Administration going after the AP and having the IRS target the tea party. But when it comes […]