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Thank you & the Interesting Times We Live In

I just want to say thank you for all the emails I have been getting. These are difficult times, indeed. Nevertheless, the upside is that these tumultuous times are the precursor to reform we all long for. We are all in this together and I am fighting for my grandchildren. I will be gone so […]

Real Estate Boom – Mass Exodus from Cities

We are witnessing a phenomenal shift in real estate where everyone is bailing out of urban cities throughout the country. Even property in the Hamptons has been exploding with people fleeing NYC. While many hedge fund managers are moving to Florida and thousands of companies are fleeing California to Austin or Dallas, Texas, many others […]

Market Talk – January 28, 2021

ASIA: A World Health Organization (WHO) team has come out of quarantine and will start on-the-ground investigations into the origins of the coronavirus in the Chinese city of Wuhan. The scientists will begin interviewing people from research institutes, hospitals and the seafood market linked to the initial outbreak. Their research will rely upon evidence provided […]

The Law & Robinhood

  QUESTION: If there is anyone who has fought the club it is you. Keeping you on civil contempt for 7 years when the statutory maximum is 18 months and they released you only because the Supreme Court was taking your case as an example of the corruption in New York. HSBC pleads guilty criminally […]

GameStop – Who Done It?

  While many pundits are calling this the “squeeze of a lifetime” and a war of retail against the hedge funds, in reality, it was a PERFECT cyclical move after 13 years down. Of course, they are claiming that a band of retail are waging war against the Hedge Funds and the press is claiming […]

We are Drowning in Fake News

COMMENT: I hope you read this Mr. Armstrong. These past 6 months have been eye-opening for me. I started out late summer writing down names of persons and sites on their news, opinions, stories, and predictions. In the past couple of weeks made an assessment. All have failed except your blog and a couple of […]

Old Iron Curtain Countries Raising the Curtain Again?

COMMENT: Czech rep. has been in total lockdown with all commerce and services closed (except supermarkets and drugstores) since December (and before that since October, with barely a few weeks with shops opened before the next lockdown), curfew at 8pm, schools closed since September, ban on all social activities, etc. And, now the PM said it’s […]

Market Talk – January 27, 2021

ASIA: Profits at China’s industrial firms grew for the eighth straight month in December, suggesting a sustained recovery as the manufacturing sector rapidly emerged from its COVID-19 slump, Reuters reported. Profits surged 20.1% year-on-year in December to 707.11-billion-yuan ($109.40 billion), after rising 15.5% in November, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) data showed on Wednesday. […]

Market Talk – January 26, 2021

ASIA: The IMF expects the US and China to be by far the most successful at steering their economies through the pandemic, leaving Europe and other emerging markets trailing in their wake. In its updated forecasts for the global economy, the fund predicts that by 2022 recoveries in the US and China will leave their […]

Xi Jinping at DAVOS

  Chinese President Xi Jinping at Davos in Switzerland attended by video. He continued to defend globalization also referring to multilateralism and climate change. However, he never mentioned either Trump or Biden but he did criticize the US trade war with China. He did warn that any conflict between Beijing and Washington would be bad […]