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Understanding Forecasting

QUESTION: Marty, I think your recent gold call has made me understand your model much better. Your timing is the key. You gave the weekly Bullish at 1287.50 in your report and the timing. You said that 1309 is possible if we elect that weekly bullish prior to March 14th week. Gold rallied and stopped […]

Market Talk – April 1, 2016

Extremely poor data in Japan (Tankan est -0.7% actual -0.9% Previous +10.8) weighed heavily on stocks closing the Nikkei 3.55% lower and not a great start for the second quarter. Despite the better than expected Chinese Manufacturing report (49.7 versus an estimate of 48.2) it was not enough to turn sentiment around in Asia. It […]

The Dow for Today’s Close — April 1, 2016

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I have been reading your work for several years. since you were in prison…I was able to download it from the internet and saved it all. I bought your Gold and Banking Analyses and read your daily pieces religiously. I was not able to attend the WEC as it appears you favor conferences in […]

Markets in Review for the Close of Q1 2016

When you have a consistent system that is running on absolutely everything around the world, you can simply look at it dispassionately and judge everything by the same standards. In gold, euro, Canadian dollar, DAX, and many other markets, we generally moved to weekly, monthly and/or quarterly reversals and then stopped shy of electing them. This typically reflects […]

Market Talk — March 31, 2016

After an initial opening surge in the Nikkei, briefly topping 17k, sellers appeared and drove prices lower to close the day -0.7%. The JPY was weaker throughout the morning session but had also turned stronger to balance the Nikkei swing. With the 10yr JGB having turned negative recently, this will squeeze banks and foreigners in […]

Ptolemy IX – 116-106/88-80 BC

Monetary History of Egypt Ptolemaic Dynasty Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) 116-107 & 88-80 BC Son of Ptolemy VIII & Cleopatra III Brother of Ptolemy X Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) was born in 141 BC the son of Ptolemy VIII and Cleopatra III. Following his father’s death in 116 BC, the throne of Egypt passed to Cleopatra […]

Ptolemy VIII – 145-116 BC

Monetary History of Egypt Ptolemaic Dynasty Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon=”pot belly”) 170-163 BC & 145-116BC Brother of Ptolemy VI – Uncle Ptolemy VII Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon=”pot belly”) was the eighth ruler of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. He was the younger brother of Ptolemy VI and the uncle to Ptolemy VII. He was born the son of Ptolemy […]

The Battle to Keep the Establishment in Power

The last time a Republican Presidential Convention opened without a decided nominee in the primaries was 1976, during the fight between Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford. There were past efforts by the establishment to stop two people they regarded as outsiders — Barry Goldwater in 1964 and Ronald Reagan in 1976. It looks as if […]

Market Talk – March 30, 2016

Asia followed the bullish tone provided by the Federal Reserve with a gap higher opening of around 1%. Mainland China and Hang Seng managed to build upon this enthusiasm, eventually closing up almost 2.5% each. The same could not be said of Japan when the Nikkei had problems holding the 17k psychological level. Tomorrow being […]

Market Talk — March 29, 2016

Most markets were undecided on which way to play ahead of today’s main event, and so moves were light and limited. Asia saw all core indices tussle between black and red, and with the exception of China all closed pretty much unchanged. Shanghai closed down 1.3% but that was after a late recovery rally at the […]