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The 2018 Outlook Report

We are now starting the 2018 Outlook Report and this is going to be a shocker. We are looking at the start of a Panic Cycle Year in many markets. This warns we can see dramatic volatility that will make your nose bleed. Slingshots are highly likely 2018 and this will be indeed a time […]

2017/2018 Commentary on Private Blog Tomorrow

We will be posting the commentary based on the 2017 closings tomorrow on the Private Blog

This Flu Season Begins the Risk of a Pandemic 2018-2019

A possible new pandemic is forming from a deadly strain of flu emerging from Australia and will be headed to the UK as the normal flow of travels would take it. Britain will perhaps be hit with the worst flu season in 50 years. Already, there are about 170,000 cases of flu reported in Australia […]

The Coldest Winter 2017/2018

  QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; You said this year your computer is forecasting the coldest winter in a long time. I assume this is cyclical. Is this due to the sun diming? KE ANSWER: Yes, that is part of it. We look at correlations and what lines up with that is also a disruption in the […]

The World as it Turns in 2018

QUESTION: Marty; Will you put out a report on what to expect in 2018 as you did in 2017? Thanks for all you do. It is amazing you do not spam us with emails or try to tell us to hand over our savings to you. Your WEC is the only event I have ever attended […]

Socrates Release January 2nd, 2018

We will be releasing the next Phase of Socrates on January 2nd, 2018. We will also include a forum which we will run and clients will be able to ask questions. That will be operated from our Thailand operation. More details on the three versions of Socrates will be posted soon.

The 2018 Gold Report

QUESTION: Should I just give up an sell all my gold and just buy stocks after the Senate passed tax reform? ANSWER: Gold has its time and place. The 2018 Gold Report will also cover cryptocurrency since many of the goldbugs abandoned gold for Bitcoin.  Will BitCoin peak with a low in gold? We will issue […]

2018 the Year for Earthquakes?

The Great San Francisco Earthquake struck on April 18th, 1906 (1906.295). Based upon our model that monitors also earthquakes due to their impact on the economy (1906 quake led to the Panic of 1907 and the formation to create the Federal Reserve in 1913). The risk for a major earthquake turns up in 2018. Why? […]

Poll: 2018 World Economic Conference in Asia

We’ve received a number of inquiries about where and when we will host our 2018 World Economic Conferences. Capital is moving east and Asia has piqued the interest of our models. One of the WECs will likely be held in Asia, and we would like to receive your input as to where we should host […]

The Coming Cold Winter 2017-2018

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, First of all – THANK YOU for all you do, for your guiding light. As I’ve read your blog, (a must daily), the post “Global cooling is killing penguins – not global warming”, especially the last two sentences “We are headed into a serious decline in temperature and that is when civilization […]