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Happy New Year

  Remember, the future may be in turmoil, but to reach the promised land of reform, we first must go through the crisis that opens the door for the opportunity to create a whole new world. As Einstein said, the ONLY source of knowledge is experience. We must learn from these events to improve the […]

Schwab Cancels Twitter Rejects Free Speech

Klaus Schwab has shown his true colors of authoritarianism. He is against democracy, freedom, and basic God-given human rights. With his Davos group next month, the World Economic Forum (WEF), Schwab who is a control freak by nature, has endorsed the cancel culture banning Twitter, and listing the various Chinese state-controlled social media apps to […]

Understanding the Neocons

QUESTION: I saw you on TV here in Russia. I think you are more respected in Russia than in the United States. You are the only person ever to say that war is created by politicians and not the people. Do you see any hope of avoiding war? VR ANSWER: Unfortunately, no! The only real […]

FBI Tells Social Media Who to Censor

Anyone who trusts the government is an absolute fool. I have stated that the First Amendment was intended to protect us from free speech. The interpretation is that as long as the government does not “direct;y” censor the people, whatever social media does is fair game. But they have violated that line and have been […]

Zelensky Pleading for World War III

I have warned from the start, Ukraine CANNOT be trusted and Zelensky is the man who would start World War III. Everything you worked for your entire life will be forfeited because of this actor. Look at the way he dresses. He is pretending to be poor and at war as if he was a […]

Aladdin v Socrates

QUESTION: Marty, your Socrates predated Fink’s Aladdin by a decade. Blackrock’s stock dropped about 50% from 2007 into 2010 when Socrates got the whole crash right. It picked the very day of the high in 2007 and they were calling it on the floor Armstrong’s Revenge. Socrates called for a Directional Change here in 2022 […]

Market Talk – December 19, 2022

ASIA: Japan’s economy, the world’s third largest, shrank less than initially estimated in the third quarter, bolstering a view that it is slowly recovering from COVID-19 doldrums even as large export markets show further signs of weakening. Separate data showed the economy had recorded its first current account deficit in eight years in October, reflecting […]

Governments Are Headed into Major Catastrophe

  I pointed out at the WEC that all my efforts to try to defeat my own model have failed mainly because in our Republics, which are not Democracies, no politicians care about the future – only the next election, Whenever I would be in meetings and warn that we cannot keep borrowing indefinitely with […]

2022 Year-End Report

As we approach year-end for 2022, we will look at the various key markets to gain a sense of what the future will bring. We are clearly headed into a chaotic period and in the United States, now that the Republicans control the House, that is where the fun lies and it will be retribution […]

The End of Freedom & Our Right to Even Vote

Naturally, I have received emails from those on the left and Elon Musk appears to be rising to that coveted spot of hatred once monopolized by Trump. Musk has outright suggested that Twitter was acting under government orders to suppress free speech, with his remarks coming hot on the heels of the release of a […]