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COMMENT: I have investigated what you have said about our Western leaders. From the US to Britain, the Balkans, France, Poland, and Germany, they all want war. I am 77 now. My whole life was about creating peace. I remember Richard Nixon opening China and dividing it from Russia. I believe you are correct.  There […]

Biden Proposes Largest Spending Package and American Taxpayer Burden in US History

The Biden Administration is outright destroying America through reckless spending. The Federal Reserve has warned that Biden’s current spending habits are robbing future generations of Americans. They cannot stablizie prices or make a dent in inflation due to the rising national debt. After his State of the Union address, Joe Biden unveiled his next spending […]

Answering Questions

QUESTION #1: What is your opinion of Trump’s statement regarding the COVID vaccine: “YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!”” JN ANSWER #1: I have a serious disagreement with Trump, and it bothers me that he has not expressed what so many now realize was wrong. […]

A Look Back At Socrates’ Forecasts from January 2020

My January 2020 interview with Andrew McCreath from BNN Bloomberg came up in recent conversation, and I was asked how I knew then that we’d be where we were at now. My answer is the same — I just follow the models. Some unfamiliar with my work merely looked at the headline “DOW 40,000” and dismissed my forecast as […]

The 2024 Election – Will Your Vote Even Matter?

The computer has been forecasting these events decades in advance. As we approach them, what seemed outlandish years ago seems likely today. The civil unrest is dividing not just the United States but we see it in Canada and throughout Europe. This is NOT simply due to Trump. What is unfolding is the discontent with […]

Request from Belarus

QUESTION: I have been referred by the Embassy of Belarus in South Africa Ambassador, to contact the Armstrong Economics team.This is pertaining the publication as follows: Request is as follows: Armstrong Economics team to please share evidence of this article as published in Sept 2020Thanks in advance. Kind regards S.D. ANSWER: Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, […]

German Health Minister Said We Need to Boost Healthcare in case of “military conflict”

I have been reporting that it is the West that wants war because the financial system is collapsing. They are reaching the point where they know that the are rapidly approaching the point of collapse which HISTORICALLY always takes place when governments run these Ponzi Schemes where they NEVER intend to pay off what they […]

Why War is Inevitable & the Outcome

One of the basic rules of war is that you always keep two fronts going simultaneously. The first is the obvious battlefield. However, the second is communication. Suppose you DO NOT keep communication open through the back channels. In that case, there is NEVER the possibility of PEACE, and the war then becomes concluded only when […]

Does Trump Want to Damage Ukraine?

The media is very calculated with how it spins stories to shape the public perception. Donald Trump has said that his first piece of legislation, if elected, would entail ending the war in Ukraine immediately. One would think people would cheer for the end of a war that has claimed thousands of lives. Instead, the […]

The Elites Want War to Reduce the Population ASAP for Climate Change

    This entire conflict was manufactured by the American Neocons led by John McCain and Victoria Nuland. It was McCain who started the Climate Change agenda on Capital Hill, and it had nothing to do with the planet. He was arguing against fossil fuels to cut off Russia’s energy sales. It was never about […]