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Fed Holds Rates – What Tools Are Left?

The Federal Open Market Committee unsurprisingly voted to maintain rates at 5.25% to 5.5%. The numerous cuts others were anticipating are completely off the table, as the central bank said there might be one reduction for the year compared with their optimistic forecast made in March of three rate reductions in 2024. “In recent months, […]

Attorney General Held in Contempt of Congress

  The Rule of Law has been torn to pieces. The entire Justice System in the United States is rapidly becoming a joke internationally as we border on becoming indistinguishable from the Banana Republic, where the pretense of law is only the self-interest of those in power. In Plato’s classic work, you will find the […]

Why is Keynesian Economics Collapsing?

John Maynard Keynes in his 1936 book, ‘The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,” argued aggregate demand was too volatile to be stable and would lead to inflation or recessions. His theory honed in on spending as a means of price control. Low aggregate demand, Keynes argues, would lead to high unemployment and stagflation. […]

European Elections Promise a Chaotic Summer

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, you were right again, or your computer was, that the June elections would be a major upset. The far right has gained in France, Germany, and the Netherlands. You said in London that Le Pen should win in the 30% range. It looks like she has 31.5%. Well done! HH REPLY: This […]

Central Bankers & Politicians – Its Time for a Change

COMMENT: It was great seeing you here in Europe. It was even more interesting to see how the central banks are starting to use the ECM rather than wait six to nine months before acting. Back in 2007, your model turned in February, but the Fed Funds Rate did not drop to 3% until one […]

Supreme Court Bombshell Decisions Due June 13th

The Supreme Court has 28 decisions still remaining, and there are a lot of really important cases that will shape history. The next opinion day will be June 13; this 2023-2024 term ends on June 28th. Buried within these 28 cases is the only one regarding deference to agencies known as the Chevron decision. Many […]

Bank of Canada 1st Among G7 to Cut Rates

COMMENT: Marty, I attended your Toronto Institutional session when the Bank of Canada had a table of 10 people. People would ask you what the central banks were looking at, and you would respond. Everyone then turned to see if they flinched. They were the best of times, as they say. For us long-timers, it […]

Credit Card Delinquencies Spike Among the “Rich”

  Inflation can be felt at every tax bracket. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari came out this week and said the public “viscerally hates high inflation,” and for good measure. Everyone is seeing the impacts of inflation on their quality of life. Those defined as rich, the demographic one side of the […]

Fauci “Made Up” COVID Mandates

As the world watches the “land of the free” attempt to imprison a former president, they are also waking up to realization that the pandemic was planned and fabricated. The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has been attempting to get answers on why the world was shut down for a virus from Dr. […]

Ukraine the Expendable Vanguard for World War III

The US dollar continues to soar against the Ukrainian Hryvnia despite all the propaganda desperately trying to pretend Ukraine can win and survive. The entire purpose of the Ukraine proxy war against Russia has been to kill as many Russians as possible to further expand the U.S. and NATO’s conventional superiority over Russia. This has […]