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Spotless Sun

Recently, NASA’s photo of the sun showed ZERO sunspots. The previous and current solar cycle has been declining significantly in solar activity beyond what has been known before. There still remains the risk that we will see a further decline in the next cycle that will begin in 2020. This may have a significant impact […]

Climate Change Has Not Impacted Polar Bears

There are too many polar bears in parts of Nunavut that it is posing a risk to humans. Climate Change hasn’t yet affected polar bears and reports are to be released which defy the Global Warming agenda. As long as government funds only Global Warming research to support new tax schemes, we run the risk […]

The Gold Standard Fell As All Currency Pegs Do

COMMENT: Dear Marty, In your recent blog about BREXIT, and. “Remainers acting in self-interest”, you produced an ONS graph showing UK’s growth rates before and after joining the EU (previously known as the Common Market), and concluded: “Britain has NEVER received a fair deal since joining the EU”. Surely you have overlooked a groundbreaking event […]

Asia 2019 Crisis

COMMENT: when you showed FX and stock markets of Asia in Rome, the computer did forecast quite some panic cycles for this summer – here we go ! JO REPLY: I know. That’s why I am here.

Why Private Blogs

Some people have asked why do we have Private Blogs that are all different Basic, Plus, and Pro. I promised to not leave anyone behind. Therefore, since I was only a governmental and institutional adviser, I was not the run-of-the-mill newsletter guy so our readership was small keeping it around 25,000 and the audience was […]

Epstein His Connection to “The Club” of Manipulators

Ghislaine Maxwell was more than the alleged protector and procurer of young girls for Jeffrey Epstein as well as his girlfriend based upon allegations. However, she is also the daughter of Robert Maxwell who I believe was a member of “The Club.” Interestingly, Maxwell’s protege was also William Browder who loves to run around claiming […]

Finland & Japan Confirm Global Warming Data is not Supported

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Being 100% in agreement with you about Climate Change I thought you might be interested in 2 newly released research projects one from Finland and one from Japan: The Finnish researchers conducted by Turku University, state in one among a series of papers, see: ( “During the last hundred years, the temperature […]

The Money-Class is Always the First to Respond

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, reading your blog daily I am wondering how much and what exactly has to change in the peoples’ minds apart from the global changes that will manifest through all that is in alignment according to cycles that you have presented to the world. You are one of the few people, but […]

Political Change

Cycles of the past lead to future predictions By Dinah Wisenberg Brin The Associated Press Philadelphia   The political upheaval of 1994? They saw it coming two years ahead of time. The devastating Japanese earthquake? They’d been expecting it, albeit a year earlier….President Herbert Hoover … might be pleased with board Chairman Martin Armstrong’s prediction […]

Antarctica Use to Have no Ice?

  Research is surfacing that shows Antarctica may have been without ice during the Medieval Warming Period some refer to as the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) which took place between 1000–1200 AD. Mapping the MCA across the Antarctic region based on the analysis of published palaeotemperature proxy data from 60 sites has revealed something which defies […]