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Young Athletes Dying After COVID-19 Vaccine

The pinnacle of health, athletes seem to have an edge over the rest of society. Their grueling workout and nutrition programs, mixed with natural genetic athleticism, puts them ahead of others in the natural immunity category. So why are young athletes suddenly collapsing and/or dying from heart complications? The sports world has mostly mandated vaccines […]

Lost City Discovered & a Tablet That Changes History

Perhaps it is appropriate that by the end of this month we will have another Indiana Jones movie – the fifth and probably the last. Archaeologists have discovered a 3,000-year-old lost city that some have thought was just legend. This is the largest city ever discovered called “The Rise of Aten,” which was unearthed by […]

Biden to Stack the Supreme Court to make it WOKE

As expected, the Democrats will introduce a bill to change the Supreme Court turning into the first WOKE institution to permanently change the face of the United States once and for all. Biden pretended to create a commission to study changing the Supreme Court and within a matter of days, they proposed stacking the Supreme […]


QUESTION #1`: Marty, At the October 2019 WEC you made some eerily prescient statements about two things, first, if the market were to make a low going into the January 2020 period, that might be the bottom; or, if a high were made then(it did), then something profound would appear to happen in the February March […]

New York Times Called for “Reality Czar” to Imprison Anyone they Claim is Stating Fake News?

The New York Times has called on President Biden to create a “Reality Czar” to shut down all dissent, which they immediately label conspiracy theories without any real investigation. In 1924, the New York Times was pushing that we were heading into a new Ice Age. Was that disinformation? CNN has called on cable companies […]

The Supreme Court’s Claim of Discretion is Unconstitutional

QUESTION: Do you think this is over for Trump? GH ANSWER: Yes. They need to go back to the Supreme Court and argue that the Judiciary Act of 1925 is UNCONSTITUTIONAL because it created discretion to hear cases when the Supreme Court is the ONLY court created by the Constitution. The Supreme Court made it […]

How the Supreme Court Doomed the US & the West

    I have been warning that those in Washington DO NOT like outsiders. Only 106 republicans out of 196 joined Texas demonstrating that behind the curtain, nearly 50% of republican politicians prefer Trump to leave because he is not one of them. The Supreme Court avoided ruling claiming Texas had no standing which is […]

Why We No Longer Have Free Press

Here we have the people at the London FT and they are coming out in favor of Schwab’s World Economic Forum and “Stakeholder” Economics. They will NEVER publish anything to the contrary so there is no more reporting of news, it is all being orchestrated to support the Great Reset and the end of democracy. […]

Is Socrates Really Different than the Major AI Systems of even IBM & Google?

QUESTION: Martin, I know you have your AI in Socrates, but do you really believe that entities like DARPA with teams of people have never created a classified AI system or multiple AI systems that are suppressed from public knowledge? I think you may be overlooking governments’ ability to suppress plans as they were able […]

Election Fraud

The allegations of fraud are coming in from so many sectors concerning particularly Pennsylvania and Michigan. The Postal Worker who the Democrats claimed recanted his allegations of ballot tampering at the Post Office has provoked the worker to come out and deny that as just another lie. “I am right at this very moment looking […]