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The Authoritarian Rule & The Post-2032 Hope

Based upon reports from inside several governments, the IMF has been directing all central banks to terminate paper money by 2022 and move to digital currencies. The real motive here is to terminate the underground economy and to ensure that everyone is 100% taxed as they determine. This has been the driving force behind the […]

The Plot of the Demigods

QUESTION: Marty, Did you ever think when you studied history, created Socrates, then observed what would unfold in the future would lead you to what we see happening today, in social collapse and the march toward authoritarianism? Truly, wasn’t this like discovering the Rosetta Stone and other mysteries best left untouched? When did it dawn on […]

Inflation On Track into 2024

COMMENT: Marty, it is amazing how you are the only one capable of forecasting this trend years in advance. I have been attending your WEC events since 2011. You have forecast long ago that the deflation would end in 2020 and that this wave would be inflationary with shortages in commodities. If the world simply […]

When Inflation is really Deflation

QUESTION: Why is the Fed doing so much Reverse Repo? Do you think it will hit $2 trillion? JE ANSWER: I understand that people seem to be talking up the reverse repo activity as doom and gloom. The Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates and boosted the return to fight inflation. The reverse repo […]

Questions: Ides of June 2021

QUESTION: Hello, re: Fauci Under Global Attack I have to disagree with your comment that China did not benefit. I think they had to have been somewhat aware of what was going on, or at least caught on early and let it happen. This was a big benefit to them, specifically with respect to Hong […]

Human Nature Cycle

QUESTION: Good Morning, If we take the statement “History repeats because human nature never changes” it would suggest that the human nature cycle will never reverse. That in itself does not track. If everything is like a pendulum, shouldn’t it swing back around to where human nature can and will change? And a lesser 2nd […]

Modern-Day Serfdom is the End Goal?

QUESTION: Regarding the G7, which committed us to more stimulus, I can totally see where this is going. You are the historian. Do you not think this is where we end up – capitatio-lugatio. Same exact pattern. Anonymous ANSWER: For those who are not familiar with capitatio-lugatio, this was the tax collection system developed by Diocletian […]

New Evidence that World Trade Center was Not a Surprise – More lies?

  Recently, a new tape has emerged from a private camera that was there during 911 filming the collapse of World Trade Center #7 from a different angle – the only one that no plane ever hit. I have stated that the coincidence with WTC7 collapse was a wipeout of evidence as was the Pentagon […]

Pandemic Phase Two

  Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum are most likely preparing for the second punch following the manufactured COVID Pandemic. The second punch is his profound warning with simulations once again of a cyber attack that will take down the world economy. I find it curious how this man who thinks he can direct, […]

NYC in Crash Mode?

New York City is dying thanks to COVID. It has really killed Broadway. When I would often go to a play, the vast majority were tourists from overseas. I would often listen to the different languages being spoken around me. New York City is clearly dying as a mass exodus has taken place of not […]