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Dutch Elections – Ides of March is Upon Europe

  On March 15th, 2017, the Ides of March, we will see the Dutch elections which are the next big test of nationalist populism as it is being called by politicians. Yes, “populism” is being smeared by the press and the politicians because this is actually democracy where the vote of the people is supposed […]

Draghi & ECB Want to Regulate British Banks doing biz in the Eurozone

The ECB is living itself in La La Land. It is demanding that British Banks wishing to do business inside the Eurozone after BREXIT must obtain a license. While this is the same type of requirement for any foreign bank seeking to do business in the USA, the idea that the ECB wants to make […]

Europe’s Visa War with USA May Terminate All Travel

The EU Parliament voted to impose visas on all Americans forcing them to apply for visas to travel to Europe for business or tourism because Washington requires visas for Europeans coming from five EU countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Poland and Romania). So while the world criticizes Trump for vetting people from certain Middle Eastern countries, […]

Le Pen Attacks Merkel in Parliament Representing a Free Europe The EU Dream of creating a federalized Europe is collapsing. The immigration crisis was created by Merkel solely for he personal popularity was collapsing due to her hard stance against Greece. The Eurozone is collapsing and Brussels still refuses to recognize that they have gone too far beyond a mere trade union trying to […]

The Euro Crisis – Dow & Gold

The rumors are flying in France and the conservative candidate Fillon denounces a probe now into corruption. Fillon now vows to fight on to the end – not good for he has placed himself above the country making this personal. His top aide just resigned and Fillon was summoned to appear before investigators on March 15 to […]

Norway Insane Property Boom or Capital Flight from Eurozone?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, I was wondering if you could write a piece on the Norwegian real estate market? The market has gone complete mad the last couple of years with salaries declining, and housing prices booming. Over 40% of Oslo is now owned by people not leaving there. A lot of apartments are empty because people […]

Is Europe the new Destination for the North Pole?

I explained that the poles of the Earth move. On the Sun, they flip every 11 years and that is part of the Sunspot phenomenon. The poles are by mo means constant. They migrate routinely. However, about the time that Global Warming appears to have peaked, the poles also shifted direction in 2000. The North […]

Extreme Cold Hitting Europe Creating Food Shortages & Rationing

Europe depends on food from Spain during the winter. With the climate turning down very hard toward a potential new mini ice age, the freezing cold, wet weather in southern Spain has devastated supplies of vegetables for consumers across Europe. Stores have begun rationing. The vegetables impacted are broccoli, artichokes, aubergines, iceberg lettuces, zucchini and eggplants. […]

Eastern Europe & World War III

  Europe could become the site of a new global war in the East as tensions build there against refugees and the economic decline fosters old wounds. The EU is deeply divided over the refugee issue and thus it is fueling its own demise and has failed to be a stabilizing force. After five days of […]

Europe’s Latest Steps to Eliminate Cash Post-Davos

Within days of Davos, here is the European Commission statement on moving forward to eliminate cash. This is an “Inception Impact Statement” to provide notice to those involved and to ask for comments back. Everything is couched in terms of terrorism, but in fact it is to hunt taxes and eliminate our freedom to privacy […]