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Socrates & the Ability to Forecast the Whole

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I find it intellectually dishonest why the mainstream media refuses to cover your forecasts and others plagiarize you when Socrates has been the biggest breakthrough perhaps in human history. I attended the Orlando WEC in 2019 and your forecasts on gold and the stock market were brilliant. When it came to this […]

Market Talk – April 20, 2020

ASIA: India has pitched for enhancing the emergency assistance of the National Development Bank to $10 billion from $1 billion. The issue was flagged by union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman at the annual meeting of the board of governors of the National Development Bank (NDB) via video conference on Monday. NDB has so far approved […]

Why Cash Remains KING – Q&A

QUESTION #1: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I’ve been following your blog for quite a while, and have a Basic subscription to Socrates. Wish I could have been able to attend a WEC, but so far that’s not been possible. Also wish I understood everything in Socrates so much better, but my old brain isn’t what it used […]

China – Sanctions & War

QUESTION: Marty; Now Lindsey Grahm is calling for sanction against China. This is starting to seem like the war drums are beating. What do you think? WH ANSWER: I am thoroughly disgusted with this entire pandemic nonsense. There is no way there is any evidence whatsoever that convinces me that this was some plot on […]

World Health Organization Demanded Sweden Lock Down To Cover Its Own Fraud

The New York Times and others are out in full force to defend Bill Gates, their savior of the world. They distort everything and try to pretend he is this wonderful man who only has our best interests at heart. They also refuse to address how the World Health Organization has carried out the greatest […]

IMF Now Warns of the Recession from the Great Lockdown

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; It has been long suspected that you advised the IMF. You always denied that and then accused them of being corrupt. It then began to seem like whatever you would forecast, they would then mimic. A few days after your letter to Trump that we would decline into 2032 if everyone was […]

Unemployment Has Elected 4 Quarterly Bullish Reversals at the End of March

The U.S. labor force reached a high of 164.6 million persons in February 2020, just at the start of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in the United States. Since this shut down over the virus, almost 17 million people have applied for unemployment. More than 10% of the entire workforce has been disrupted. People are losing their […]

Forecasting Technical v Fundamental

QUESTION:  Hi AE….I have a thought/question/idea that is an observation, not a criticism, & begs a response. Have long noted AE’s reliance on technical analysis, for your forecasts, to the almost total exclusion of broader fundamentals, like out-of-control corruption. From day one, this has been a revelation to me, but must concede that your success […]

Iceland Volcanic Region Woke Up with the ECM 1/18/2020

  Iceland is known as the Land of Fire & Ice. Volcanic activity is escalating in a region that has not erupted for 800 years. Ever since the turn on the Economic Confidence mode on January 18th, 2020, that very Monday, January 21st, earthquakes began on the Reykjanes peninsula. Reykjavik has experienced more than 8,000 […]

Gates, Imperial College’s Ferguson Who Started this Nightmare & Jeffrey Epstein

Neil Ferguson of Imperial College in Britain is ground zero for this world lockdown. He even testified before the British Parliament and nobody really interrogated him. He projected that the death rates would be 20% of the population and then had to admit he made a mistake. While many have focused on the sex scandal […]