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Vaccines the Question Nobody Wants to Answer

QUESTION: Hi. We are currently in a matter before the courts involving our eldest child. His biological father wants him to get the vaccine against the wishes of his mother. They claim his condition (hemophilia) puts him at higher risk. Obviously, we know that this is not the case, but we’re wondering if you could […]

2021 WEC Day 1 Introduction – Pawn of Finance

This is an abridged version of the full-length 2021 World Economic Conference VOD highlighting the event's opening session.

The Monetary Crisis Cycle has arrived. We are now facing the risk of BOTH deflation and inflation SIMULTANEOUSLY, Food Shortages, Climate Change, Energy Crisis, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Knowing what's coming is critical.

2021 World Economic Conference – Pawn of Finance (full-length VOD)

The Monetary Crisis Cycle has arrived. We now face the risk of BOTH deflation and inflation, SIMULTANEOUSLY, Food Shortages, an Energy Crisis, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. So what is the future of the markets? Why has gold declined in the face of talks of a $3.5 trillion spending spree? Will the Dow continue to rise, and if so, why?

The implications of FATF upon the global markets and capital flows will only increase as we head into the years ahead. How will this impact the investment in the world ahead? It has impacted gold, but cryptocurrencies are now in their targeting objective.

This event covers some of the significant changes in the world economy and forecasts into 2022, including a glimpse into cryptocurrencies and the fate of the Greenback in this world of absolute chaos. 


CDC to Study Ivermectin Treatment

The CDC will finally begin testing ivermectin as a treatment for the coronavirus (fast forward to around the 17:00 mark). Doctors and health professionals have been urging officials to approve of ivermectin as it has proven to be effective in diminishing symptoms. The ongoing joke was that conspiracy theorists were taking horse paste (ivermectin) rather […]

The Voting Rights Bill amounts to Treason

Schumer and Pelosi are guaranteeing that there will be a revolution in the United States. This voting rights bill is outright treasonous. The ‘For the People Act’ that the House of Representatives passed on March 3 is the end of the United States. There was only one dissenting Democrat and that shows how people are not […]

Market Talk – January 3, 2022

ASIA: Singapore’s economy expanded at its fastest annual pace in over a decade in 2021 as the country emerged from its worst recession on record, caused by the deep hit to activity from the coronavirus pandemic. The Singapore economy grew 7.2% in 2021, preliminary data showed on Monday, broadly in line with the government’s official […]

Twitter Bans Dr. Robert Malone The Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology

Twitter on Wednesday banned the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert W Malone after a claimed “misinformation reporter” named Josh Kelety claimed Malone misled people by claiming the vaccines are failing against the Omicron variant. These pretend self-anointed “misinformation reporters” who have no medical background are themselves obliterating the truth and are sending the […]

Deadly Ingredient In Abbott BinaxNOW COVID-19 Home Test Kit

Even the test kits for the coronavirus could be potentially dangerous. The Abbott BinaxNOW COVID-19 Home Test Kit received emergency use authorization, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning the kit contains a “solution in the tube contains a hazardous ingredient.” That deadly ingredient is called sodium azide, and it could be deadly […]

Economic Confidence on the Decline

Americans have lost faith in the economy after a year of runaway inflation and incompetent leadership. The Economic Confidence Index (ECI) fell to -33 last week, similar to levels seen during April 2020 when the world economy went on a hiatus. With inflation running at its highest level since 1982, it is no wonder that […]

The Sovereign Debt Crisis Arrives

While the world is turning, the economic crisis emanating from the SovereignDebt Crisis in Europe is propelling a very serious outlook as we head into 2022. I have been warning for the past 10 years that the situation would become critical. I have attended meetings with many central banks over this period warning that governments […]