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Maui Suffers from America-Last Policies

The fires in Maui claimed the lives of at least 99 people. Over a thousand people are still missing as crews rush to identify remains. This was the deadliest wildfire on US soil in over 100 years. There is a lot of speculation and conspiracy theories surrounding the fires, but one proven conspiracy is that the […]

Poland & Niger

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, We met when you came to lecture here in Poland. Everything you warned about has unfolded right down to a dollar high in 2022, followed by a low in 2023. The majority now are against the government. We, too, fear that the election may be rigged later this year. Putting all these […]

The Least Popular GOP Presidential Candidate

No one took Chris Christie seriously when he was the governor of New Jersey. People accuse him of turning voters to Obama in 2016 since he debated so poorly. Christie was disliked in New Jersey, so much so that he flipped the state blue when he left. He recently traveled to Ukraine to show that […]

The Democrats Trying to Destroy the Supreme Court – AGAIN!

The Democrats sent a letter demanding Alito recuse himself on any such question regarding the power of the Supreme Court. Once again, just as FDR tried to stack the court to turn the United States into his vision of a Marxist Utopia following Stalin after he recognized the Communists as a legitimate government, they are […]

Trump’s 3rd Indictment May Backfire

QUESTION: Marty, Your experience in law is well known. What is your opinion of Trump’s new indictment? Paul ANSWER: Never in the entire history of the United States have we EVER witnessed such political corruption using the Department of Justice. They had tapes of Richard Nixon that would have convicted him but they did not […]

Democrats Knew About the Biden Crime Family

The story began by claiming Joe Biden had never once contacted Hunter’s business associates. There was a video circulating for years of Joe Biden bragging about threatening to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine until they fired prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, to help out his son. Trump asked Zelensky to investigate Burisma and the […]

The Russia-Africa Summit

Putin invited numerous African leaders to St. Petersburg, where they discussed strengthening their alliance. The Russia-Africa summit gave Moscow a platform to show that it has not been isolated by all its allies. The biggest bargaining chip on the table was reimplementing of the grain deal. The UN has all but promised food shortages and […]

The Myth of FDR’s New Deal

The victor gets to write history, and that is precisely what the LEFT did with FDR and the New Deal. You will never be an accurate analyst unless you accept that you are duty-bound to investigate the truth no matter where it may lead. The myth of the New Deal and its success in dragging […]

Anchorage Mayor to Fly Homeless to Los Angeles

“We are going to offer them a chance to stay warm this winter,” Anchorage, Alaska, Mayor Dave Bronson stated regarding the growing homeless population. Eight people died of exposure last year, and Bronson said it is cheaper to pay for a one-way flight than to create makeshift housing. Bronson said a one-way ticket to LA […]

Propaganda – Scrubbing the Internet of the Truth

Any article about Ukrainian War Crimes against Russians is being removed from the internet. Once again, we are witnessing propaganda on a grand scale. In any war, there are always war crimes on both sides. The fact that the West is scrubbing the internet and threatening anyone who dares to print the truth is really getting […]