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United Kingdom EMU

Country Analysis United Kingdom The probability of the United Kingdom joining EMU at the start date is very high! The political shift from conservative to Labour in Britain has suddenly changed the course of the nation. The new Prime Minister, Tony Blair, will be up for the post of head of the EC in 1998. […]

Interest Rate & Deficits – The Real Crisis

Many academics are truly amazing. They talk in circles, assume they are far above everyone else, and thus pontificate from the Ivory Tower without ever stepping foot out the door. There is a growing  consensus that deficits no longer matter. WHY? Because they cannot explain how government has run persistent deficits yet nothing has happened. Therefore, […]

Central Banks Buying Shares & Selling Gold?

What is interesting is that those who manage the more than $11 trillion in reserves for central banks know more than what they are revealing. Previously, on April 4th we reported that China’s debt holding in Euros fell to BELOW 7%. We have been collecting the raw data on the reserve holdings and will […]

Hitmen That Killed Cyprus

The EU Commission is now engaging in Financial Terrorism for they are the new Hit-Men. They deliberately targeted Cyprus from all the info we have coming from behind the curtain SOLELY because they wanted their banking system destroyed and amazingly, the politicians in Cyprus sold their own country out, after moving their own money to […]

The Economic Evolution

This massive leak on people who have accounts outside their country put together by 160 journalists who are most likely closet Marxists, now threatens even Russians in the Government. Putin also vowed to go after Russians who had offshore accounts in his December State of the Union Address. This hunting down of the rich […]

North Korea – Cycles of War

Even Castro came out warning the 30 year old rash leader of North Korea against war. We tend to judge people by ourselves and assume since war is illogical that everyone else would see the same thing. That is VERY far from the truth. It is not our rational thought process that matters, it is […]


Resistance for next week will be at the 13007 level. If we close below that today, the Euro will retest the mid 12900 area then move up into the week of 4/15. A close ABOVE 13007 on cash in New York will warn that the rally in the Euro may lead with stops and 13007 […]

The Euro is Dead – Long Live the Dollar

Our phones have been in meltdown mode and sleep has been rarer than gold around here. Whatever politicians could do to screw up the world, trust me, they are diligently at work to accomplish that goal even ahead of schedule. The logic coming from the ECB, France, and Germany leaves a lot to be desired. […]

Splitting the Blog

We will be splitting the Blog soon between markets and world events. We only put on news that illustrates a global trend not the general nonsense. This is to keep you up to date as the world turns so you can see the problems emerging beyond the myopic horizon of traditional economic analysis. It is […]

Euro & Cyprus Crisis

The Euro has rebounded but only to retest the Weekly Bearish Reversal. The European Commission fails to understand that they have driven a stake through the heart of the Euro. It will NEVER be a reserve currency without a single debt. This crazy refusal to simply design a normal monetary system will be Europe’s undoing. […]