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The Economic Implosion of the West – On Schedule?

Things are turning so negative so rapidly, this is really starting to appear like the fall of Rome. The UK is tripling all fines related to taxes according to the FT. Europe & Australia and imposing a carbon tax and this of course is necessary for the environment as long as it ADDS revenues. Whatever […]

The Rising Social War

In Rome, there was the Social War (91–88 BC) where citizens of Italy paid taxes but did not have the same respect and rights as those in Rome. We are likewise headed straight into a class-warfare struggle because government blames the rich for not paying their “fair share” when it is government that spends without […]

Dogs Sniffing out Cash

It appears that the world is headed in the direction of a massive assault upon wealth everywhere. The culmination of class warfare seems to be coming to a head all because government owes so damn much in interest, there may be no way out but complete collapse. I fear that we are creating such hatred […]

Money Supply

Part of the argument that is made to support a gold standard is that money should be tangible. That will never fly today for nobody knows what constitutes even the money supply. During the 1960s, if you bought a US savings bond, you could not go to the bank and borrow on it, This was […]

Government is in Desperate Need of Cash

The penalties I mentioned in Spain are pending and have not yet been implemented. In France, all bullion dealers must pay by check, no more cash. The bullion business has collapsed in France as people now just go to Belgium. There cash is OK below 25,000 euros, to be lowered to 10,000 and probably within […]

WEC Agenda

World Economic Conference Agenda The fall we will be providing three World Economic Conferences around the world with much smaller audiences to enable questions, discussions, and interaction. This is being done to make for a much more personalized experience. Instead of 300 attendees as was the case in Philadelphia, this will be small groups to […]

Understanding the ECM

The key to comprehending the Global Economy lies in the realization that we are not alone. Everything is connected in an intricate dynamic nonlinear network where the slightest change in one region can set in motion a ripple effect of dramatic proportions around the world. Understanding this dynamic nonlinear global network is the first step […]

Silver Probe To Be Dropped – Did Anyone Expect Differently? Corruption Always Wins!

The 4 year silver probe into manipulation will be dropped according the FT. Did anyone really expect a different outcome?,Authorised=false.html? Both Congress & the Regulators will never EVER investigate the banks. So get real! As long as government need them to sell their debt, they will never expose the fact that there is ever […]

We Need Monetary & Debt Restructuring

As of May 23rd, 2012, China now has direct access to the U.S. Department of the Treasury to buy U.S. government bonds. China can now bypass Wall Street when buying US government debts, and it is the U.S. Treasury’s first-ever direct relationship with a foreign government according to Treasury’s documents. However, while all the other countries […]

Banks Manipulating Gold – People v Banks – & Dow

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved August 5th, 2012 Banks Manipulating Gold – People v Banks – & Dow We have to understand that the bankers DO have fake analysts to put out bullshit. I believe they love to churn the fiat currency thing to divert the blame from them and to make the solution […]