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Republican Party Civil War of Self-Destruction

As we head into 2017, we are looking at the entire world coming undone at the seams. The year 2017 will be the political year from hell because the trend that is unfolding is global. The establishment Republicans are fighting for control of the party to ensure Trump does not get the nomination. Some even […]

Market Talk March 2nd, 2016

Asian cash markets followed their positive futures run from US trading session was met with strong openings across the board. The PBOC set the Yuan exchange rate at 6.5490 and even a ratings down-grade of China could not stop a 4.2% higher close. The Nikkei was also up over 4% but we did see weakness from […]

Moody’s Warns of 30% Rise in Commodity Based Company Bankruptcies in 2016

The commodity industry is bracing for a high year of bankruptcy and default filings that will impact mining and metals along with oil and gas. Moody’s has also warned of global speculative-grade corporate defaults that will increase by more than 30% in 2016, reaching the highest level since 2009. Those interested in mining shares should […]

Super Tuesday & the Peak in Government 2015.75

On the Republican side, the ENTIRE establishment is against Trump. They do not want him in, regardless of the people’s vote. So while they pretend this is a Democracy, it is all about maintaining the status quo in Washington. The voters in all but Texas and Vermont in exit polls said they were mostly looking […]

Market Talk – March 1st, 2016

There were some big smiles across the faces of many equity traders today as we have seen some of the strongest markets gains in a while. The Nikkei closed +0.4% but could not match the performance of the Shanghai or Hang Seng Indices when they closed up at almost 2% on the day. We saw […]

TTIP: Will it Fail?

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, Your article on the trend set in motion with reference to Trump was fantastic. The world and how it ticks is truly fascinating, your work in investigating how it does so is worthy of any prize and will surely go down in history as the greatest investigation into humanity of all […]

Market Talk – February 29th, 2016

All core Asian markets traded heavy by the close of business – it was hopeful that Japan was to be the exception – sadly, that was not to be the case! Although the Nikkei was higher for the majority of the day in the final ninety minutes it too was sold and closed down 161 […]

Value Investing – Good or Bad?

QUESTION: Do you think value investing is viable in today’s chaotic markets? Much appreciated KB ANSWER: No. Value investing has been a recipe for wild swings. If you do not have the stomach for long-term then it is not something to get involved in. It should also be noted that it resulted in bankruptcy pre-World […]

Hollywood – Ready or not; Here We Come

COMMENT: A Hollywood feature film – well done. And you’re circumspect enough to realize it’s “the collective”, “the source”, whatever, that decides ALL; not you. But you’ve been gifted a particular insight; or was it those years incarcerated, studying your navel? Ahh- the irony! Thank you so much. NMM REPLY: Yes, I signed the contracts for the […]

Precious Metals Report for 2016 – Update on Status

We are putting the finishing touches on part I of the “2016 Gold Report.” This year, we will be adding a video. I will be shooting this coming Thursday. We will be addressing the ratios for silver, platinum, palladium, and copper. We will post the video when the report is available for purchase. I hope […]