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The Socialist Lie that We have had Always a Growth Economy Since Roosevelt

A comment by a reader with a philosophy is interesting and delusional at the same time. “Armstrong chose not to seek any compromise but to put all the blame on government. In principle, that’s got to be an absurd point of view. So it seems to me. One more thing, to his alleged factual correlation. Government […]

Market Talk February 25th, 2016

Shanghai was the talk between many dealers again this morning after we saw heavy morning selling accompanied by afternoon selling, which resulted in a 6.4% decline in the index. Financials were one of the leaders as the FX yuan mid-point rate was set lower at 6.5273 to the dollar on Tuesday and on Thursday at 6.5318. […]

Market Talk February 24th, 2015

When we left the Asian and European session you could not give equities away, and this evening everything has seen an about change! No, for us this is confidence and the devil you know pitted against the devil you do not. The USD has been the key achiever across all time zones and although it may be […]

The Week of February 29th

The markets have been churning back and forth. The trading range for key support and resistance in the Dow resides at 17406 and 16215. A closing outside that range on a daily basis will pick the direction. In Gold Nearest Futures that is 1237 and 1162. Monday we will have our month-end numbers coming into […]

Does the IMF Follow our Forecasts?

COMMENT: Marty; it is clear that the IMF is reading your forecasts. No such agency has the power to provide any economic forecast whatsoever. The IMF is starting to mimic your forecasts since you said China would decline into 2020 when no one else said that and now Lagarde says China will be a drag […]

Market Talk for February 23rd, 2016

Asian stocks returned some of yesterdays gains as nerves and another turn in the oil price weighs on sentiment. Renimbi was fixed at its lowest level since early January in covered by a hefty cash injection. Stan Charter shares were down 3% after releasing weak earnings. All core markets drifted to close around the 1% […]

Politics – Trump – BREXIT

Some people have asked if I am a Republican or Democrat/ Labour or Tory. Both political sides are wrong. They pander to their core constituents using the social issues to get everyone wound-up, but when it comes to economics; well there is no real difference. Neither side will reform or downsize government. Their solution will […]

Market Talk — February 22, 2016

After a slightly nervous start to the Asian trading day all core equity markets made solid gains of between 1 and 2%. A slight comfort was assumed in China after PBOC Governor Zhou claimed the renimbi is balanced but then made ground on the news that the head of the regulatory body was changing. The […]

Is Any Asset Safe?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I have been following your blog for several years and attended your “Cycles of War” presentation in Philadelphia. It has been rewarding and very educational. My question, is there any one investment that is a safe haven in the chaos that approaches? I recently sold my company and placed the proceeds into “Certificates […]

Money Has Always Been What Was Available

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, most of the people in the gold community say you are wrong and gold has always been money. Would you care to respond? ANSWER: If you want to believe propaganda, that is fine. Have a nice day. I do not understand why people distort the truth to support their biases. The three […]