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Japan Tax Revolt & War?

For the Japanese to ever protest it is highly unusual. Nonetheless, there is rising tension in Japan as reflected by about 200 housewives that marched down a shopping street in central Tokyo. They were protesting taxes beating pans and shouting slogans criticizing a government plan to double Japan’s 5 percent consumption tax. This tax hike in […]

Egypt Near Collapse – Part of the Cycle?

The tensions are rising around the globe and they are centered on government corruption and complete failure. This is the price of Marxism. Governments have been promising so much to so many for so long, that as this generation of once hippies comes to retirement, they are getting the short end of the stick. One […]

Yes it is True

“Is it true that more children die from crossfires than of drug overdoses?” Yes. Because the black market is global, you cannot eliminate it by local laws even if you had all the police you ever dreamed about. Besides, it has been the drug trade that is destabilizing the Latin American political systems and then […]

Can the World Really Abandon the Dollar As A Reserve Currency?

Can the World Really Abandon the Dollar As A Reserve Currency? By Martin Armstrong Throughout history there has always been a dominant currency. As each empire became the new financial capital of the world, their currency became the most prized and tended to circulate around the globe into even the fringe economies that they may […]

Parking v Investing

There are two distinct trends that we have to divide and conquer to fully understand what we are dealing with (1) Parking capital and (2) Investing Capital The motives behind each are totally different and this goes in part to also the question of the “reserve” status of the dollar. There is the dollar as […]


The U.S. economy shrank from October through December for the first time since the recession ended.We are looking at the net effect of Obama’s Voodo-Economics. Yes, the US economy was hit by the biggest cut in defense spending in 40 years, fewer exports and sluggish growth in company stockpiles. The decline occurred despite faster growth […]

309.6 Year Cycle – It’s About Time

Just to make it absolutely clear, within every wave, like in a bull market, there are always counter trends or corrections. There MUST be two sides in all trends be it bullish or bearish. The overall character of the present wave is a PRIVATE WAVE meaning that in such waves markets advance more rapidly and […]

Krugman Says We Are In A Depression & More Gov’t Spending Is Necessary

Fischer Black and Myron Scholes won the Nobel Prize for Economics. Scholes was  involved with Long-Term Capital Management that blew up on that formula. The fund, which started operations with $1 billion of investor capital, was extremely successful in the first years, with annualized returns of over 40%. However, following the 1997 East Asian financial […]

Prosecutorial Misconduct is Killing the Economy

The view of the American Justice System is so bad outside the United States that young lawyers take these jobs to make a name for themselves so they can get those big paying jobs. The bad ones get hired like lobbyists at law firms to try to have inside contacts because they have been there […]

Japan’s New Foreign Policy & USA’s Arrogance

After decades of self-imposed pacifism and dependence upon the United States, Japan is beginning to carve out a new role in regional maritime affairs. Newly elected Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has launched a charm offensive across the Pacific, with Australia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam among the countries Tokyo is bidding to align […]