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Market Talk — February 19, 2016

A very welcome quiet Friday after another volatile week for Asian markets but at least this one has been positive for the Nikkei. Closing down today (-1.3%) as dealers continue to question the BOJ’s drastic monetary policy (despite rumors of agree officials attempting to silence the media) but the Nikkei has closed up almost 7% […]

Market Talk — February 18, 2016

Shanghai was following the heard (+1.5%) until the last few hours of trading when the index fell to close small down (-0.2%). Both the Nikkei and Hang Seng built on yesterday’s gains, despite (Japanese) economic data failing to live up to expectations (exports fell 12.9% against a market consensus of -11.3%). Worth noting also is […]

Does the Dow Need to Break the 2015 Low or Did the S&P 500 Fulfill That Requirement?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, since the S&P did break last year’s low, does that qualify for a slingshot if the Dow does not? Thank You for all you do GW ANSWER: We do not have to make a new low in the Dow. The S&P 500 penetrating last year’s low was sufficient. We are approaching our […]

Minneapolis Fed President Says Break Up the Banks to Reverse Clinton Era

  As of January 31, Hillary has raised $163.5 million, which is more than any of the other presidential candidates. The question that comes to mind is why would the big banks back Hillary when she pretends to be willing to curb their abuse? The answer lies in what she said at her Goldman Sachs speeches. […]

Market Update — February 17, 2016

  The U.S. stock market closed more than 1.5% up on Wednesday after posting a three-day gain that was helped by some recovery in oil prices and encouraging economic data. We now need to move higher beyond a three-day rally to suggest this is more than a reaction. The markets are clearly shifting. Gold managed […]

Bitcoin Reality

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong : Since you have deep knowledge about coins and currencies going back to ancient times, it would be really helpful to get your view of what Bitcoin is or could be as a sort of “World Currency”. Is it a fad or something that should be taken seriously? Thank you – BH ANSWER: No, […]

Market Talk — February 16, 2016

Despite weaker than expected Chinese Trade Balance stocks actually performed well on the back of PBOC rhetoric concerning the currency, taking it to its strongest level against the USD in almost a year (6.4935). It has however, weakened since China close and the off-shore was last seen in NY at 6.5200. Shanghai closed +3.3%, Hang […]

Euro Near Collapse?

The euro continues its fall and the likelihood of reaching 116 is starting to dwindle. Even the British Telegraph has come out and stated that the bail-in plan for government bonds in Europe risks destroying the entire euro system. We have to understand that those in power are clueless. All they do is try to […]

Draghi Lied; Claims the ECB Is Withdrawing the €500 Note for Crime and Not Taxes

Mario Draghi has claimed that the European Central Bank would withdraw its €500 highest-denomination banknote only to combat crime— not to curb the use of paper money — but you really cannot expect him to tell the truth. If he really told the truth, he would set off a panic withdraw from banks. The USA use to print […]

Filtering the Reversals – What Level to Use

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, First of all, thank you for all you do.  These are crazy times and so many of us would like to thank you for your guidance through these volatile times. The question I have and I’m sure others do as well is in regards to the election of the reversals.  I was an […]