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The Untouchables: How the Obama administration protected Wall Street from prosecutions

The one thing that surprised me running around the globe on this last trip was how much the United States has fallen from grace. The legal system is seen as the most corrupt in the world and that is the important essential cornerstone of commerce. When Margaret Thatcher spoke at our conference in 1997, she […]

The Dow Rally

There is a huge difference between OPINION and ANALYSIS. The former is colored by bias like people who keep calling for the Dow to collapse in Great Depression style by 90% and the hyperinflationists who insist upon gold going to $30,000 and nothing else. Both live in worlds they do not comprehend and their opinions […]

How In the Hell Did the Computer Project The Tension in Asia?

QUESTION: I attended the Bangkok Conference. I am in awe how can the computer have projected the rising tension in January back in October? ANSWER: The computer has been able to pick up geopolitical events and tensions on a major scale like this not by feeding in what people are saying or news reports. In […]

Shanghai – the New Chicago

A report in China Daily said that Shanghai wants to transform itself into a global commodities trading center. Indeed, the Shanghai Futures Exchange has already introduced several new products, including a silver futures contract, and is working on a crude oil futures platform. The paper said the Exchange is about to begin test trading of […]

Congress to Investigate What Prosecutors Did to Swartz

They now say they will have a Congressional investigation over the suicide of Aaron Schwartz. The outrage of how the USA prosecutes crimes and then has the audacity to say China does not respect human rights when prosecutors do nothing but engage in mental torture to always get people to confess, is starting to dawn […]

The Economic Consequences of the Peace, by John Maynard Keynes

The Economic Consequences of the Peace, by John Maynard Keynes THE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF THE PEACE   by   JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES, C.B. Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge   New York Harcourt, Brace and Howe 1920   PREFACE The writer of this book was temporarily attached to the British Treasury during the war and was […]

The Trend at a Glance

The desperate need for revenue is tearing the world economy apart. Just as during the Great Depression nations turned toward protectionism, the same trends are emerging throughout Europe and the United States. Most nations are now imposing stricter version of work permits and entry visa authorizations. Even Singapore altered its laws last April elimination the […]

On Liberty – John Stuart Mill

On Liberty – By John Stuart Mill. With an Introduction by W. L. Courtney, LL.D. The Walter Scott Publishing Co., Ltd. London and Felling-on-Tyne New York and Melbourne [Pg v] To the beloved and deplored memory of her who was the inspirer, and in part the author, of all that is best in my writings—the […]

Aaron Swartz – A Voice of Freedom Silenced

To federal prosecutors, Aaron Swartz was a criminal they drove to suicide. His death has sent a tidal wave through the online community worldwide. The additional culprit in causing his death is none other than MIT – the  Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Swartz was an accomplished hacker who was regarded as a digital prodigy and helped develop social-news […]

Why is Real Estate Cycle Not Working

QUESTION: I am one of your biggest fans and I love your articles and have learnt so much from them. I have been reading your articles on real estate. The peak was 2007 and we have a 26 year decline into 2033. My question is: I live in Australia having moved from New Zealand in […]