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Public Debt – Japan is the Worst

So many people only look at the US debt and yell and scream while jumping up and down in their yellow rain coats preaching the end is near. True, the US has the largest public debt, but it is far from the worst for it has the largest economy. That distinction being the worst debtor […]

Asia – the only game in town

The purpose of this world tour has been to kick the tires and see what is really taking place. I began in San Diego, then went to Hong Kong, Beijing, Singapore, Thailand, then Europe and about now to return to the States. The stories about fake progress in China are clearly biased Western reports that […]

Political Self-Interest Defeat Pegs & Standards

Whenever government gets involved with the value of a currency, trouble begins. You cannot flat-line a currency while everything else floats. The Europe is in trouble and separatists movements are popping up in a lot of places because the Euro was created in a half-ass manner trying to create a single currency with multiple autonomous […]

Confiscating Gold & Wealth

Most people assume that Roosevelt’s confiscation of gold was unique. There are those who keep insisting that there be a return to the gold standard. What they do not realize is that such propositions are really a call to arms. Government will not return to a gold standard because it would be a loss of […]

USA Has Peaked as did Britain in 1914 & The Sun is Setting Rapidly on the American Empire

The one thing on this global tour that is pouring out of the seams is just how much the United States is seen as a dictator & bully to the rest of the world refusing to respect territorial jurisdiction. In every country I have visited, I have been embraced as an American Political Prisoner. Everyone […]

310 Page Special Asian Forecasting Report

This is perhaps the most comprehensive report on Asia we have every produced delivered in six parts with 310 pages. The countries covered are Australia, China (Shanghai & Shenzhen), Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan,  Thailand, and Vietnam. Each nation is covered with its share market and currency (Vietnam […]

310 Page Special Asian Forecasting Report

  This is perhaps the most comprehensive report on Asia we have every produced delivered in six parts with 310 pages. The countries covered are Australia, China (Shanghai & Shenzhen), Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan,  Thailand, and Vietnam. Each nation is covered with its share market and currency […]

The Euro Impacted Everything Including Gold

When I was invited by the Central Bank of China to Beijing after the 1997 Asian Currency Crisis, I was told to please continue to try to explain what was taking place in the world economy because I was the only independent analyst with worldwide experience. For you see, had you been able to ask […]

Asia – Just a Different Beat

While turmoil abounds in Europe and Germany resists writing off Greek debt and previous holders of Greek debt squawk about taking a second haircut, Moodys actually upgraded the Philippines. The Indian market has a Double top and looks more like the early stages of Japan in the mid ’80s preparing for an explosive rally. As the West […]


  Bangkok World Economic Conference   World Economic Conference  presents Martin Armstrong November 2 -3, 2012 Grand Hyatt Erawan, Bangkok Special Report will be provided to all attendees  Table of Contents Australia             Australian dollar Australian All Ordinaries Share Index China Chinese Yuan (RNB) Shanghai Share Index Shenzhen Share Index Hong […]