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Is the Fed Being Browbeaten into Negative Rates?

The Federal Reserve is in a real crisis. Interest rates are falling negative around the world which by no means has succeeded in stimulating anything. Governments are dead broke and they keep raising taxes yet hope the central bank can compensate by lowering interest rates to negative. Between rising Taxes and declining interest rates, this toxic-mix […]

Year-End Signals for 2016 Generated at the Close of 2015

Since many people have asked to purchase the “2015 Year-End Report” that was provided to WEC attendees, we are making it available so that everyone can see the closings and how they impact what we are experiencing right now. The report is priced at $200. This 39-page report covers all major currencies and markets. Included […]

Market Talk — February 3, 2016

Japan took a turn for the worst today led predominantly by Exporters (Toyota, Nissan, Honda) all down around 5.5% but even they were led by the Nobel House (Nomura). Nomura reported a 49% drop in Q3 profits and then saw its shares plunge 10.2% in todays trading. The Nikkei closed down -3.15% on the day […]

The 86-Year Cycle is All Around Us

COMMENT: Marty, you have done a fantastic job in teaching us to look and observe. I noticed your post on the monetary reform of Trajan in 107AD. You mention he demonetized all coinage prior to Nero’s debasement in 64AD. Wow, that was 43 years or half your 86 year monetary crisis cycle. When you look, […]

A Cashless Europe – Stupidity Has No Limitations

  QUESTION: Martin, An all electronic currency seems almost inevitable to some, however as you have stated in the past not everyone ha the ability/facility to transact solely electronically. With cash being anything which is agreed the most marketable asset, wouldn’t the people of Europe just transact in another form of cash (USD, gold, silver […]

Rubio — the Trump Slayer

The real winner of the Iowa caucus was Marco Rubio (born May 28, 1971), the junior United States Senator from the state of Florida who has served since January 2011. He is the establishment’s pick since they do not like Cruz and loath Trump. Rubio is a Cuban American from Miami, so he is expected to gather the Spanish vote. Rubio is, […]

Cruz takes Iowa; Hillary in Dead Heat

The vote is in and Senator Ted Cruz has come out on top in the presidential caucuses in Iowa, beating Donald Trump. The Democratic vote resulted in a virtual dead heat between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Iowa, unfortunately, always votes religion before practical economics and it will ultimately be their own economic doom. Well, Christ […]

Market Talk – February 1, 2016

Despite a better than previous Chinese PMI release (48.4 against a previous 48.2) it was not what was expected (48.6) and so the Shanghai Index just could not make headway and eventually closed down 1.8%. Japan, on the other-hand, was still trading better (+1.8%) on the negative interest rate route as money looks for bargains […]

The Lucrative Career or Lies, Deceit, & Fraud

Being a politician is a business. They are, for the most part, concerned only about themselves and will always vote to raise taxes because they benefit the establishment, as the Clintons can verify. Some leverage their political capital by striking golden contacts while in office and selling influence derived from their power that is typically funneled […]

What Happens to Cash When Governments Go Electronic?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What happens to paper money when the government moves electronic? Is it just cancelled? Does cash then become worthless? Thanks RD ANSWER: It appears that electronic currency will first arrive in Europe. The cash will be demonetized, so yes, it will become worthless. However, they will most likely give you a time […]