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Turkey to Destabilize NATO?

Turkey will be the nation to destabilize NATO. The nation has had discrepancies with the EU, US, and most nations within the bloc. “In an environment where 32 allies are together, it is unthinkable to have the same views on every issue,” defense minister Yasar Guler warned. Turkey’s continued diplomatic relations with Russia are raising […]

Mercenaries – the New Way to Fight Wars

We tend to think of war as a national army against a national army. But wars have changed dramatically since Iraq. Mercenaries are more powerful than most realize, which is a grave oversight. Those who assume they are cheap imitations of national armed forces do not have a clue about what is taking place. For-profit […]

Americans Have Invaded Kursk inside Russia

Last June, Biden lifted the ban on American contractors sending mercenaries into Ukraine. When he lifted the ban on American weapons, allowing them to be deployed inside Russia, this was another step that de facto allowed these private American military operations to invade Russia pretending it is not the official United States. I have warned […]

Kamala’s Economic Plan Will Destroy the US Economy & Lead to Food Shortages

  Kamala Harris’ father was basically a radial communist. She is not far from her father’s ideas, any more than Bill Gates is different from his father’s fears of population when he created Planned Parenthood and stuck them in minority areas to reduce the population of blacks. No matter how many times Socialism has been […]

Can Trump Prevent the Coming War?

I have been asked numerous times if a Donald Trump victory would equate to eliminating our computer’s projection for war. No. No one can alter a cycle once in motion. We can change the velocity at best but everyone and anyone who has tried to alter a cycle, be it war or business, has failed. […]

Zelensky to Raise Taxes

The people of Ukraine have been terribly mistreated under the rule of Zelensky. The Ukrainian government is well-known for widespread corruption, with Zelensky himself even appearing in the Panama Papers fiasco. The war has been sold to the masses as a victory for Ukraine, and yet tens of thousands of boys and men have been […]

Republicans for Harris Confirms World War III is the Agenda

The Neocon Republicans have no problem sending Americans to their death for their personal hatreds and vendettas. The fact that they are coming out and claiming to be Republicans for Harris confirms this election is really all about World War III. Former US Rep. Adam Kinzinger announced via X, writing: “There is nothing ‘conservative’ about […]

We Need a Constitutional Amendment to Expel a State Like New York and California

There has long been a question presented in society circles, not courts, about the legal secession of a state. The only comment on this from anyone in the Supreme Court was a letter from Justice Scalia to a movie producer on the subject. He mentions that there is no right to secede, for that was […]

China turns Neutral?

Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in Guangzhou met to discuss China’s position on the Russia-Ukraine war. China stated it is “willing to play a constructive role” in peace negotiations, but Ukraine knows that peace has never been an option. This open discussion was a diplomatic move to remind the world […]

Britain’s Perspective on World War III

Britain believes the next world war against an “axis of upheaval” will begin within three years. General Sir Roly Walker has issued a warning that Russian President Vladimir Putin will seek revenge against the Western powers who supported Ukraine. He believes China, North Korea, and Iran will form an alliance against the West by 2027 […]