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Migration & War = Deadly Disease Cycle

The border crisis that we have in the United States is part of the cycle of disease that our model has been projecting. In late May, Sarasota County, Florida, health officials confirmed that they had identified a case of locally transmitted malaria. Then a second confirmed case appeared on June 23 rd in Texas, discovered in […]

The US Govt Seizing Farmland under Eminent Domain

The US government is seizing farmland in South Dakota and no one is discussing it. Summit Carbon Solutions is building a pipeline through northeast South Dakota beneath private property and has the full support of the US government. Private citizens are being targeted, and this is all technically legal under eminent domain laws. Republican Governor […]

Sign of the Times

The picture of our times is without question quite depressing certainly on a moral foundation if not on the material side as well. Our government has been seized by the Neocons who care nothing about the welfare of the state, only to bring death and destruction to their personal hated enemies. Every line that we […]

The Rule of Law – Trump is Finished?

QUESTION: Marty; This seems that the onslaught against Trump is a desperate attempt fearing that he would stop the war and reverse climate change. I have been reading you for years. You have great sources but also a great insight into what is happening in this corrupt world. I used to question your warnings that […]

The Democrats are Silencing RFK

The Democrats are afraid of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He is exposing the truth behind their lies, and the powers that be are silencing him. YouTube has begun scrubbing videos featuring RFK from their site as they with anyone who questioned the pandemic. He already has a massive platform from his famous father and uncle. […]

England to Roll Out Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot

England will provide thirty individuals £1,600 per month to study Guaranteed Basic Income, also known as Universal Basic Income (UBI). The pilot program will monitor these individuals for two years to see how they put the money to use. As I noted in the blog post about the Cloward-Piven study, there must be no conditions […]

Is BlackRock Responsible for the Woke Agenda?

BlackRock and Vanguard own almost everything you see. BlackRock is responsible for creating the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) social credit score based on a company’s climate policies. The corporate equality index (CEI) is akin to the younger brother of the ESG score and dictates a company’s woke policies. BlackRock and Vanguard, World Economic Forum […]

The Real Hidden Agenda – It’s Time to take the Red Pill

COMMENT: Martin, I’m gay and I agree with you on this transgender drivel, especially letting male-born athletes compete in women’s sports. It is becoming scary for those of us who are just gay. We are being thrown in the same category as this transgender agenda. I too have been to Thailand. The Ladyboys in Thailand […]

Beware of ISW

QUESTION: Marty, the Institute for the Study of War is claiming that the fighting inside Russia was not Ukrainians but Russian anti-Putin groups. This seems strange since they were attacking civilians and you would think if they were Russians they would have targeted Moscow not something just across the border. Who is this Institute? Is […]

The GOP’s Debt Ceiling Demands

The Republicans and Democrats are refusing to agree on the debt ceiling crisis. The government will be unable to pay its bills and the US will default if an agreement is not reached. Yellen has reached out to every media outlet and large corporation in the US to warn of the “catastrophic” consequences. Of course, […]