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The Impact of the Trump Verdict on our AI Computer – The Fall of the US in 8.6 years.

Juan Manuel Merchan is a Colombian-born American judge and former prosecutor. Most curious, he is NOT a formal judge, he is ONLY an acting justice of the New York State Supreme Court in New York County. How did a former prosecutor  who is NOT a formal judge get assigned this case? This is not just […]

Bankers & Interest

The history of interest rates is provided on this site. Interest rates in a developed economy reflect the “option” value on the expected decline in purchasing power of money. If I expect it to decline by 5%, then I expect a profit, and say want 8%. You in turn will pay the 8% only if […]

The White Earth Effect

The earth’s climate is anything but regular, with every year a repeat of the last. The White Earth Effect is the realization of what would happen if the earth was entirely covered in snow and ice. The bottom line is that the Earth would then reflect the sunlight rather than absorb it, and hence, the […]

The Problem with K-Waves

All those investigating cycles within the economy made a simple mistake. Kondratieff followed agriculture/commodity prices when agriculture accounted for 70% of the GDP pre-19th century. That only began to decline from 1850 forward, dropping to 40% by 1900 as the Industrial Revolution emerged with the invention of the steam engine. Moreover, aside from climate impacting […]

Commodities Trade Differently

All commodities, including gold, trade substantially differently than stocks or real estate. Pictured here is wheat back to 1200. Note that you see what appears to be a brain wave. Commodities trade differently because they are subject to nature. Manufactured items can be produced on a more regular basis. However, commodities are subject to weather, […]

The Theory of Non-Linear Intervention

Economics is well known for rather unrealistic theories based upon fundamentally unsound principles, such as the assumption that all things remain equal. Reality parts with academics whenever such assumptions are drawn to a foregone conclusion. However, greater false assumptions, which go unnoticed, lie at the foundation of so many theories in economics – primarily the […]

The Role of Grandparent Vanishing from Society

I discussed how the rising costs of childcare surpass the cost of rent by 25% to 50% across the United States. The cost of raising a child is directly reflected in the birth rate crisis we are seeing across the world. Another new phenomenon is permanently altering the family structure as a result of economics […]

My Forecast from 10 Years Ago

In an interview on May 11, 2014, I explained on USAWatchdog that confidence always outweighs reality. “It’s basically what you believe. There have been all sorts of studies on fundamentals that say if interest rates go up, stocks go down.  It is simply not true.  The stock market has never peaked with interest rates twice in history.  […]

The Migrant Crisis is How Rome Fell – Its Our turn this time

Merrick Garland, Attorney General, is truly a national disgrace. The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a suit against Oklahoma today over a state law that seeks to impose criminal penalties on those living in the state illegally. The law makes illegal aliens subject to two years in prison for living in the state without […]

The Migrant Crisis – the Clash of Civilizations

This includes the Disease Cycle and

How We Should Expect Disease to Spread as it always does with Migrations throughout history

History repeats because (1) the judgment and passions of humankind never change throughout the centuries, and (2) society as a collective whole can never learn from past mistakes. Emperor Valens opened the border and allowed the Goths, Germanic barbarian tribes, to enter the Roman Empire because this was when Attila the Hun was pushing to the West. Valens, like Biden, thought these people could help in a future war. They were trained in Roman military tactics and given weapons. However, in the end, they joined forces with other Goths and turned on the Romans from inside their own empire. There was the major Battle of Adrianople on August 9th, 378AD; ironically, the emperor who let them in died on the battlefield.

Both Europe and the United States have allowed people of different cultures to invade, and in the process, they are not interested in assimilating and adopting our beliefs and traditions. They wish to retain their own culture, and in Europe, some are burning down Christian churches and raping women because they appear to "want it" in their short shirts. This is the end of Western culture as it was for Rome.


In fact, it was the invasion of the Goths that changed society, and even our word today for "god" was derived from barbarians, not Romans. Most interesting, this invasion of the Goths was so profound that to this day, our English word “god” is derived from the Proto-Germanic version of gudą, which is derived from the Goths’ Germanic language, guþ.So, the next time you pray to "God," remember that was a barbarian word - not Roman, which was "Deus" - the Latin word for "god" or "deity".