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Private Blog – Three Posts – Euro – Gold – Dow

  Private Blog Three Posts – Euro – Gold – Dow

Three Private Blog Posts – Euro – Gold – Dow

Three Private Bog Posts – Euro – Gold – Dow

Private Blog – The Dow Jones Industrials

Private Blog – the Dow Jones Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Private Blog – April 20th Closing in the Dow

  Private Blog – Dow for the closing of April 20th, 2018

The Atlantic Current if Slowing Down = Global Cooling

  The Atlantic current is slowing down dramatically. A team of scientists says it is the weakest in 1600 years. Naturally, they attribute it to humans who are driving their cars and heating their homes which is melting the ice in Greenland and that is fresh water which is lighter than seawater. They are predicting, of course, it […]

Private Blog – The Dow for the Close of the Week of April 2nd, 2018

  PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow for the Close of the Week of April 2nd, 2018

Monetary Policy is a Complete Failure? Will Shutting Down the Fed Solve All the Problems?

I recently did an interview and was asked about the Federal Reserve. There is so much absolute nonsense sophistry that circulates where people think that ending the central bank will somehow cure everything. I really just laid it out plain and simple. The Fed’s balance sheet is a tiny fraction of the economy or the […]

Private Blog – The close of March – 1st Quarter Dow-Gold-Dollar

  Private Blog – The close of March – 1st Quarter Dow-Gold-Dollar

Private Blog The Dow for the week of 03/26/2018

Private Blog The Dow for the week of 03/26/2018

Private Blog – Dow for the Close of 03/23

Private Blog – Dow Jones for the close of 03/23/2018