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Klaus Schwab & his Communist Revolution

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, does the press no realise that if Schwab reaches his goal, then the free press will cease. Their own demise. RW ANSWER: I know some journalists who see this for what it is. Unfortunately, the editors have signed on to this agenda and they will not allow any true free press […]

Klaus Schwab – The New Karl Marx Destined to Kill Hundreds of Millions

  So many people are really just ignorant. They think this election is about picking Trump v Biden. They are clueless because mainstream media is once again supporting this agenda of the Great Reset. Listen carefully to Schwab’s words. He expressly states “equality” which is the dream which began with Karl Marx. The New York […]

Judge Amy Coney Barrett vows to Follow Justice Scalia

Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett intends to honor her mentor, the late Justice Antonin Scalia in her opening speech to the Senate. As I have explained, candidates for the Supreme Court NEVER appeared before the Senate until 1925 when one senator objected because he was being investigated. Judge Amy Coney Barrett before the […]

We All Act in Our Self-Interest

COMMENT: IS MARTIN ARMSTRONG AND SOCRATES THE MOST HUMANE BEINGS ON THE PLANET? Dear Martin and Socrates, I have been following you two for many years, often with a byrds eye view. What happens here on earth is in conformity with never failing cosmic laws. Things MUST happen even if we don’t like it. Dark,evil […]

Never Give Your Money to a Fundamentalist!

COMMENT: You mention Dalio saying cash is trash. Did you happen to see them ask Tudor Jones about those comments only an hour after in Davos as well? He pretty much ignored the question as they are “friends” but you could tell he disagreed. I’ve watched other interviews with both of them together and is […]

ECM & the Rise in Intensity into 2032

COMMENT: A suggestion. I really think the annual Lobby Day in Virginia, scheduled for January 20, should be considered when discussing the turning point in the ECM. The potential for confrontational violence between the state of Virginia and the federal government on one side, and the Second Amendment supporters on the other, is high. This […]

Market Talk – August 14, 2019

ASIA: China has described the Hong Kong protests as “terrorism” as clashes with police broke out after a few days of peaceful protests. All eyes are on the Chinese government on how they are going to deal with the ongoing situation in Hong Kong. US President Trump commented, “We’ll see what happens. But I’m sure it’ll […]

Is Buffett Just Wrong?

QUESTION: Warren Buffet has been a value investor and has only been interested in profits. You have explained that the trends shift and profits will yield to capital preservation. Would you say that Buffett is just wrong on his views? JV ANSWER: There is absolutely no relationship you will EVER discover that remains constant if […]

Warren Buffett Loses Billions

QUESTION: It is no secret that you went head to head against Warren Buffett in his silver manipulation. He is having a very bad year with his buy and hold value strategy. It looks like without making billions on the side manipulation of commodities, he is no better a fund manager than anyone else. Care to […]

When is Inflation – Deflation?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; the WEC was the best ever. The materials it took you a month to prepare in advance are amazing. Your insight into the difference between a sovereign debt crisis and how that produces deflation compared to the debasement deserves a Nobel Prize. My question is how did the people cope with the […]