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European House of Cards – When Does it Come Crashing Down?

The EU leadership is attempting to minimize the importance and the explosive result of BREXIT. While the leaders merely yell “You will still regret it”,  the disintegration of the EU has already begun and they are clueless as to what is really at stake. While many just focus of trade, the entanglement is far more complex than […]

Europe Plunges into Deep Freeze

    COMMENT: Martin, Im a regular reader of your blog and I agree with you that the Ice Age is upon us. I fell on this video of ice on the Danube and would like to share with you. Even here in Singapore we can feel that something is going with the climate and it […]

Global Warming – Opps – Ice Age – Hits Europe

Unfortunately, much of Europe is facing sever cold weather as temperatures plunged below zero with heavy snowfalls. Additionally, this is the worst coastal storms Europe has seen in a decade. Take a look at this chart. You will notice that this last warming cycle that has the lunatics calling this man-made global warming/climate change, was just […]

Europe Starting to Break Apart

You can tell that Europe is breaking apart because the EU has gone too far. EU President Jean-Claude Juncker has warned against attempts to undermine or dissolve the European Union. “Those who believe that it is time to divide, dismember and divide the EU into national divisions are completely wrong,” said Juncker in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Europe […]

Euro v Dollar for Hoarding

  QUESTION: Hello Martin, A year ago or so you said ‘ I highly recommend Europeans to hoard Dollars instead of Euros. I suppose that hasn’t changed. Do you see in the meanwhile a risk for hoarding Dollars here in Europe ? Are we even facing the Dollar Cash to be cancelled soon ? Thank […]

Refugees Still Raping Women in Europe

The European protests against the rapes by refugees continue to unfold. Germany’s migrant rape crisis has now spread to cities and towns all across the country in all 16 of Germany’s federal states. Germany now finds itself in a vicious circle from which there is no escape and this will dog Merkel who wants to […]

Brussels Contemplates Outlawing Short Selling on European Bank Stocks

The European banks are in much worse shape than their US competition. The reason being argued in Europe is that the US government imposed a ban on speculation after the financial crisis. However, that was imposed on September 19, 2008, and it ended on October 9, 2008. But some Europeans claim that is why US banks survived and want […]

Nonperforming Loans in European Banks 10x that of U.S. Banks

American banks would rather return to the USA than strengthen their activities in the Eurozone. The U.S. banks, overall, now expect the EU to simply disintegrate. Brussels is not about to surrender its dream and is clinging to life as it slowly dies. The general view now is that the European banks are reaching the point of […]

European Companies Scrambling to Issue Debt

With the ECB expanding its quantitative easing program to include corporate debt, European companies are now scrambling to issue as much debt as they can as cheap rates. These issue are selling BECAUSE it is assumed they have a guaranteed bidder being the ECB. At least this part of the QE is far better than […]

The Coming Dollar Rally – Chaos in Europe

Margaret Thatcher was spot on when she warned that Britain would not join the Euro for the covert maneuvers behind the scenes was to create the federalization of Europe – their real dream to be the United States of Europe. Thatcher was betrayed by her own cabinet because some members also were dreaming to federalize […]