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Biden & the COVID Fraud

  COMMENT #1: Marty, To show how absurd the vaccine policy of the US really has become, we are now told vaccinated travelers can go to certain European countries soon reopening provided they have received both vaccines. Yet, on return to the US, they are still required by US government policy to get PCR tested […]

Gates – Buying the Press to Hide his True Nature

It has long been known behind the facade of the upstanding media that Bill Gates was not exactly the quiet nerd. The information surrounding his arrest has been scrubbed, so all that remains is the fact that he was arrested for a traffic violation with no other details. It is not likely he was arrested […]

Biden Keeps Border Closed with Canada but not Mexico?

While there are many who fear Biden’s mental capacity, my greatest concern is who is really running the nation? Under Bush, Jr., the president was Dick Cheney, and thank God the Republicans ousted  Liz Cheney. The way politics has evolved, those in charge are never seen. It’s like the European Commission hiding in the shadows […]

US on the Brink of Civil War?

2021 US Open Letter from Retired Generals and Adm   Indeed, I have been warning that our models have been pointing to tremendous civil unrest which will eventually lead to the break-up of the United States post-2024 and the war this Great Reset unleashes upon the world. People like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are […]

The Evil Rising in the World

COMMENT: Martin, Just by chance, I wanted to look up your small blog again “Europe is under control of world economic forum”. Typed it in google search, your blog didn’t come up on the first 5 pages of results, and I didn’t look beyond that. Typed it in Duck Duck Go, your blog came up […]

Putin says Lenin Destroyed 1,000-Year-Old Russia   Putin reveals what he thought about Lenin’s entire Communist movement, making it clear that Lenin was not a statesman but just a Bolshevik Revolutionary. The importance of this answer by Putin reveals how he thinks of Ukraine. Lenin tried to standardize all humans into this cookie-cutter idea and failed. Putin is revealing his […]

Beijing Beats New York City

A number of people often send nasty emails because they do not like the forecast that China will become the next financial capital of the world. The forecasts we put out are NOT based upon my OPINION. I simply report what the computer projects. This Great Reset is playing right into our forecast, for they […]

Shortage of Chickens

The orchestrated COVID pandemic to change the economy for the BUILD BACK BETTER Great Reset has set in motion food shortages that are now emerging. Farmers have had to plow their crops under, and one had to kill over 30,000 chickens because they simply could not get them to market. Sales of produced collapsed as […]

The Decline & Fall of the USA & Rise of China

The obsession with climate change and the manipulated models they have put forth that only look at data post-1850 is interestingly fulfilling our model that China will become the financial capital of the world. The billionaires pushing this agenda and the hair-brain ideas behind the Great Reset undermine the Western economy and our very culture. […]

Melinda Gates to Divorce Bill – Hallelujah

Bill and Melinda Gates are filing for divorce. The inside scoop is she has not been happy with his direction of changing the world and all the hate mail directed at them. It was really just a question of time. What Bill Gates has set out to force the world to ZERO CO2 and to […]