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Zelensky – The Madman of Ukraine

The bias of the Western Press is just unimaginable. I reported previously that our contacts in both Serbia and Hungary were reflecting overwhelming support for Putin and Russia. The press can’t report on anything honestly and calls Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor an “authoritarian” or a “nationalist” because anyone who dares to go against their agenda […]

Is Zelensky Negotiating Peace in Bad Faith?

There is serious concern that Zelensky is not negotiating in good faith and he is doing precisely the opposite of what he claimed he would do if elected. Why does Zelensky refuse to concede the Russian areas when in fact the border of Ukraine was drawn by the Soviet Union for administrative purposes. This is […]

The Doomsday Jet

The Neocons have accomplished their objective. They dethroned Trump and installed the senile president who will go down in history as the President that began World War III. His name will be remembered in infamy because it is always the president who history remembers – not the dark figures behind the curtain prodding him on […]

Madeleine Albright & Yugoslavia

COMMENT #1: Hi Mr. Armstrong, I hope you are doing well. Talking about Neocons, as a boy, 12 years old, I’ve survived the Yugoslavia bombing by NATO 1999 and Madeleine Albright was one of the biggest influencers to attack Yugoslavia where many civilians died. She died on the same date when they decided to attack […]

Neocon Plot to Overthrow Putin & Xi

This war has really nothing to do with Ukraine for this country has been used as cannon fodder to overthrow Putin – the second target in this New World Order. The first was the removal of Trump and the last will be the removal of Xi Jinping. This is a major effort to cause regime […]

The Truth Behind Ukraine v Russia – Is the Evil Within?

  Back in 2014, the people were upset that the US was selecting the new leadership following the fall of Yanukovich. They were told if they revolted against the new regime, that they would receive no support from the West. The revolution was the people but everyone from the US to George Soros were desperately […]

Poking the Panda

Japan has made the very same mistake just the following orders from Washington about seizing Russian assets. The Japanese government is freezing the assets of 17 more Russian politicians tycoons, and their relatives to step up sanctions and pressure Moscow to end its invasion of Ukraine. Russia froze, in turn, a list of US politicians […]

US & its Secret Biological Weapons Labs & Neocons

  There are Biolabs in Ukraine funded by the US. There was never any real question if they existed or not. The rumor two days after the Russian invasion began, the claim was that Russia was targeting them for destruction. I wrote on February 26, 2022, that such a rumor was false and I pointed […]

The Real Backdrop Nobody Will Discuss

  The only way to avoid World War III is to listen to both sides. The refusal to listen ensures that we will move into World War III, and this is not my opinion; unfortunately, our computer has never been wrong, for it is unbiased. It called BREXIT when nobody else did, and also forecast […]

US v Russia & Ukraine The Real Backdrop

Let’s follow the money. Ever since the United States under the Clintons sanctioned the NY bankers to try to take over Russia with their own puppet, Boris Berezovsky, there has been a direct unspoken World War III that began in the financial markets. I was personally asked to invest $10 billion into Safra & Browder’s […]