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The IMF’s SDR & Monetary Reform – Another Crazy Idea?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am a long time reader of your blog and a big fan of the tools that you have developed for investors. Thanks for all that you do and I wanted to reach out and ask about your opinion of the thesis that ——-  outlines for the IMF implementing SDRs as world money […]

Until We Understand the Real Wealth of a Nation Progress Cannot be Achieved When We Try to Eliminate the Business Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you have any comment on the latest excuse for the decline in gold is because Trump is forcing it down so he can buy it up and move to gold-backed bonds like Nevada? This is the latest coming from the fringe which just seems so unrealistic any more. I am not […]

Is This the World’s Largest Robot?

Rio Tinto has employed the first fully autonomous train, which many are calling the world’s largest robot. Rio Tinto’s project has eliminated humans and that saves on pensions and salaries. This is the way of the future because of exponentially rising human costs. The train completed its first delivery of iron ore between the company’s […]

Are Central Bankers Directing the Flow of Money without any Checks or Balances?

QUESTION: Do you think that the central bankers influence has triggered a massive shift in the world order? Do you think the IMF and the BIS have gone beyond their mandates? Are central bankers directing the flow of money without any checks or balances? Do you also think that there is an open door between […]

Is Draghi Really Ending QE?

Mario Draghi said the euro-area economy is strong enough to overcome increased risk,  and therefore this justifies the European Central Bank’s decision to end bond purchases bringing to an end a decade-long failed experiment. The truth behind this statement is starkly different than being portrayed in the press. Draghi also pledged to keep interest rates unchanged […]

The Cost of Labor is What Drives the Move to Robots

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, Two questions: 1. When the Canadians said they never look at “those things,” what “things” are they talking about? 2. I always like lowering taxes, if the remaining revenue will be spent wisely. (In our dreams). But as a lawyer in the Austin area, I can assure you that manufacturing by some […]

Will We Have Anything Left to Leave Our Grandchildren?

QUESTION: Martin Thanks again for all you do. The subtext of most of what you talk about is overwhelmingly negative. Inflation, deflation, earthquakes, disease, government default, over taxation….. etc. Am I correct in thinking that despite your advice you anticipate most of your readers, even the most wealthy, will be left with little to hand over […]

Emerging Market Debt Defaults on the Horizon?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said that the emerging markets are a huge problem that will lead to a Sovereign Debt Default. Can you elaborate on that statement? Thank you for your insight VU ANSWER: The emerging markets are in far worse shape today than they were even back in 2008. They have issued heaps of dollar-denominated debt to […]

What If We Just Wiped Out All Debt?

QUESTION: Hello Marty I am hoping you will print this in your blog. Everyone knows that Govt’s/Banks print money out of thin air and then “owe interest” to this invented money. To avoid an interest payment death spiral why can’t all the Govt’s in the world just tell the banks to pound sand? Why can’t […]

The Dollar is Not Dead After All?

  CLICK ON CHART It is amazing how people have simply declared that the dollar is in a perpetual bear market as if the USA is the only nation with a debt. They judge the entire future by a few weeks of price action. That is what is so dangerous – emotional trading. I have […]