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Black Market & Gold

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, If this “Great Reset” movement pushes gold underground, what would that mean for gold producers? I recall reading on your blog that when gold was confiscated in the United States to devalue the Dollar, gold producers were happy because governments started buying their product at a fixed price which allowed the […]

Can We Trust the Future at All?

QUESTION: What did Martin mean by gold having a 21 year high. I simply can’t see how it is possible for it not to go up from here as sovereign debt collapses and printing presses are on turbo I’ll be getting the gold report when it’s out but…. I’m about to get my hands on a […]

Climate Clock Erected in NYC To Further Propaganda

As part of this Climate Week in New York, intended to influence the US elections against Trump, they have created a clock to countdown the time remaining before we all die and it is too late to reverse climate change. The propaganda is the only way to stop this is to end fossil fuels and […]

Britain Calling in Military to Enforce its COVID-19 Restrictions Without Parliament Debate

COMMENT: Has social media replaced civil disobedience, do people vent their spleens over a keyboard and feel that they’ve made their contribution. When will we see politicians hanging from lampposts? Cheers A REPLY: It is clever to call anyone who disagrees with this agenda a “conspiracy theorist” so then they do not have to answer […]

The Global Usurpation of Power Underway

COMMENT FROM THE UK: Hi Marty I am sure you, like me, have expected without a doubt a move back into FALL lockdowns. It has been blatantly obvious here in the UK for months. The hype and overreaction is intentional and fear generation is being ramped through the roof. A school has one case of […]

Influencing the Future

FT 1998 Martin Armstrong June 27, 1998 Rubble of the Rouble QUESTION: Marty; My cousin in Britain who works in the government said the governments are acting insane because of your model. They timed the Covid-19 pandemic to coincide with your turning point January 18, 2020, and then the lockdowns are because your model has […]

Panic in Real Estate

COMMENT: I live in central West Texas, I am passing on to you the fact that there is a “rush” of sales in rural property’s. Houses with small amounts of land attached are “flying off of the shelves” so to speak. This is occurring throughout all of West Texas and in the Panhandle. The effort […]

Using Offshore & Private Contractors To Commit Illegal Acts

QUESTION: Marty; Do you have an opinion of Millie Weaver’s Shadow Gate? Infowars has an exaggerated position in many areas. Would you care to comment on this position? JH ANSWER: I think all you have to do is watch the movie on Snowden and you will come to realize that clandestine schemes always run on […]

New Ad Depicts 2020 Election as a War

  Socrates not only had forecast that 2015.75 would be the peak in government and the start of the Big Bang, which was initiated by the move to negative interest rates in 2014. This would undermine the sovereign debt markets and set in motion the decline and fall of the modern monetary system, which was […]

My Personal Opinion

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what is your personal opinion about the rise of all this confrontation over a virus that has justified reducing all freedoms and rights? Do you plan to stay in the United States? LN ANSWER: Personally, I am very depressed about the future. This is all choreographed form 2018. This is the merger […]