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Restitution Coinage of Trajan 107AD – The Demonetization of the Money Supply

In the year 107AD, the Emperor Trajan attempted to revitalize the money suppy ordering that all the old coinage be “melted down all the worn-out coinage” according to the historian Casssius Dio. In essence, the treasury was greatly depleted due to his prolonged campaign to conquer Dacia, modern day Yugoslavia region. Trajan actually demonitzed all […]

Arbitrary Imprison Exists in the United States

Can someone in the United States be imprisoned for life without any “description” of any possible crime? The answer is absolutely YES. After HSBC plead guilty and agreed to return all the money they had taken from our corporate accounts, Alan Cohen and Tancred Schiavoni decided to violate my human rights and insist that I […]

Google AI Computer Wins 5-0

Google’s artificial intelligence computer has beaten the European champion of the board game Go. Not just once, but 5 to 0. This game is far more difficult than Chess as it requires more than merely creating lists of patterns to beat. It requires strategy. Our computer has accomplished the same but in forecasting. Our list of […]

Market Talk – January 27, 2016

We saw a mixed session in Asia with good performances by the Nikkei (+2.7%) and the Hang Seng (+1%) but had Shanghai spoil the party with a -0.5% decline. That performance was actually rather good as we had seen the Shanghai Index down over -4% intraday. In Europe all Indices opened lower but spent the […]

Market Talk — January 26, 2016

It was all too weary early this morning with Asian markets collapsing as oil prices hit session lows of $29.25 (WTI) and the Shanghai Index closed down 6.4%. News intraday that the PBOC had conducted its biggest daily open market operation in three years (360bn yuan) still could not turn the mood. The majority of […]

Clinton Speaking Fees Since 2001 Total $125 Million

Hillary will not release transcripts of her speeches at Goldman Sachs for which she was paid $675,000. The New York Times has reported that she has racked up $30 million in speaking fees in just 16 months. However, the total amount Clinton received in speaking fees since 2001 has reached $125 million. It seems to be […]

Market Talk — January 25, 2016

Asia’s response to the late U.S. rally in stocks was to play catch-up this morning with all core indices closing up around 1% (roughly where they opened). The ASX followed the surge in oil prices with a gain of almost 2%. Rumors around the market that the BOJ has furthered easing plans helped sentiment, so […]

Hillary Says She is No Different From Obama Who Also Took Money From Bankers

Hillary Clinton continues to struggle against Bernie Sanders who has rightly pointed to her ties to Wall Street. They should put it out there straight: THE CLINTONS HANDED STUDENTS TO THE BANKERS. In an attempt to stand up to this criticism, which is really indefensible, Hillary said she is no closer to the nation’s largest banks […]

Market Talk – January 22, 2016

As they say: “What a difference a day makes”. Dealers were telling us yesterday that they left the sentiment had changed for whatever reason they were calling this one, the Mario Move. Continuing its overnight run into Asian trading eventually easing above the $30 mark it gave the Equity dealers the comfort to take stocks […]

Europe Moving Into Meltdown?

QUESTION: Marty, now the OECD is predicting a financial crash worse than the 2007-2009 event in Europe because they say there is over €1 trillion in bad loans that cannot be collected. They seem to be also changing their opinion to fit your model. Were they there in Berlin? ANSWER: We cannot comment on if the OECD is following […]