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WEC Agenda

World Economic Conference Agenda The fall we will be providing three World Economic Conferences around the world with much smaller audiences to enable questions, discussions, and interaction. This is being done to make for a much more personalized experience. Instead of 300 attendees as was the case in Philadelphia, this will be small groups to […]

We Need Monetary & Debt Restructuring

As of May 23rd, 2012, China now has direct access to the U.S. Department of the Treasury to buy U.S. government bonds. China can now bypass Wall Street when buying US government debts, and it is the U.S. Treasury’s first-ever direct relationship with a foreign government according to Treasury’s documents. However, while all the other countries […]

Banks Manipulating Gold – People v Banks – & Dow

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved August 5th, 2012 Banks Manipulating Gold – People v Banks – & Dow We have to understand that the bankers DO have fake analysts to put out bullshit. I believe they love to churn the fiat currency thing to divert the blame from them and to make the solution […]

We are on the Verge of a Very Profound Systemic Global Meltdown

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved August 4th, 2012 We are on the Verge of a Very Profound Systemic Global Meltdown Why We Need Gold in Times like This I have never been one to yell fire in a crowded movie. But this is getting absolutely ridiculous.  The global economy is in such a tailspin and […]

Why Property Taxes Will Soar, Why the risk of civil unrest is rising exponentially & Why we will see The rise of a third political party

Why Property Taxes Will Soar, Why the risk of civil unrest is rising exponentially & Why we will see The rise of a third political party Anyone who really thinks we have a government by the people for the people, must be smoking something delusional. We are on the precipice of one of the greatest […]

Braswell v. United States, 487 U.S. 99 (1988)

U.S. Supreme Court   Braswell v. United States, 487 U.S. 99 (1988)   Braswell v. United States   No. 87-3   Argued March 1, 1988, Decided June 22, 1988   487 U.S. 99 CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR  THE FIFTH CIRCUIT Syllabus A federal grand jury issued a subpoena to petitioner […]

Banking Manipulations – A Systemic Problem

Banks have been manipulating markets, interest rates, and governments for a very long time. The present scandal involving manipulating LIBOR interest rates in Europe that began in Britain is surfacing like a soap opera evolving slowly on the political stage of life illustrating the potential to split the financial world in two like no other […]

HOW DO Empires Die?

HOW DO Empires Die? by Martin Armstrong I began writing what I thought would be a report. Toward the final chapters in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, he wrote about Public Debt asking why anyone considered it to be quality since all governments defaulted on their debts and never paid them off. I assumed the […]

The Emperor Has No Clothes Why the Fed Has No Power

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved June 14th, 2012  The Emperor Has No Clothes: Why the Fed Has No Power   One of the most common questions I receive is about the Fed Policy to buy Treasuries and is this not inflationary? This is a complex topic. Most of what is floating around on the […]

The Truth About Gold Why You Should Buy It!

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved June 5th, 2012 The Truth About Gold & Why You Should Buy It Some people only ever say BUY gold and God help you if you say SELL! Even the pro-Gold radio shows will bar you if you do not agree with them. Guess Mainstream applies to them in […]