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Germany's Refugee Crisis is Starting to Explode

The Arab sexual assault in Cologne, Germany, occurred on New Year’s Eve when hundreds of male refugees robbed and carried out sexual assaults against over 100 girls. This illustrates one of the huge problems with allowing such a mass migration of a starkly different culture.   In many parts of the world, Western women are pictured […]

Using Reversals

S&P500 Futures QUESTION: Hi ! … In assessing a Sling Shot Move vs Phase Transition, you mentioned that “The key will be decided by the Monthly Bearish Reversals.” As the market is currently selling off into one of a few support zones, wouldn’t it be decided by Bullish Reversals? In other words, don’t we now […]

The Euro & 2017 — The Beginning of the End

The closing for the euro at 10869 provided the long-term Yearly Bearish Reversal that we have cited throughout the year: “We have Yearly Bearish Reversals at 11645 and 10365. So the 116 level will remain as reactionary resistance this year and the 10365 level is key support just below the current low of 10460.” The […]

Do the Reserves of a Nation Matter Anymore?

The goldbugs spun the tail that China was going to save them by making gold $50,000-$100,000 an ounce because money, in their minds, has to be tangible. However, China’s $3 trillion-plus in foreign currency reserves was the biggest stockpile in the world, They had no such intention of swapping it all for gold. As a […]

Market Talk — January 8, 2016

As you would have expected, all eyes were on Shanghai as the stock market opened with no limit restrictions imposed. It was not to be the session from hell that some dealers had feared but was almost calm. It is human nature to want to sell when they are restricted. When they have the ability […]

Looking for Sanity in an Insane World

Why has China become so important? Largely because global investors are in this transition mode and do not understand how or why the foundation of everything is changing beneath them. The market turmoil in China spread around the world on Thursday as global investors took their lead from China as a contagion unfolded with no real understanding. […]

Market Talk — January 7, 2016

For the second time this week, China’s stock exchange saw a closing due to limit down (7% move). It happened early in the day (actually, only half an hour into the trading day) which spread an uneasy tension to the Nikkei and Heng Seng. The Nikkei lost 2.33% (as the JPY strengthened), whilst the HSI […]

Contribution from Norway — War & Money

COMMENT:  Good morning, Martin. Yesterday I bought an old booklet printed for 10 NoK at the Armed Forces Museum: “Laws, resolutions and prescripts due to circumstances of war”, by the Justice Department, printed in Kristiania (now Oslo) in 1917. I thought I there would find the outline of a recipe for what may come here […]

Market Talk – January 6, 2016

Asia started weak (again), not China, but the Nikkei (-1%) and HSI (-1%). China actually performed better (+2.27%) with dealers quoting the off-shore FX weakness as a consequence. The yuan (off-shore) lost around 1% to close at a low of 6.7315 (a five-year record low). Obviously, North Korea’s claim that it has successfully carried out […]

Clinton Defends Big Banks & Repeal of Glass-Steagall

Hillary’s big money comes from NY bankers. Guess what? Hillary is defending the bankers as is her husband. Hillary claims she would endorse an approach that would break up large banks if they take excessive risks. That is very vague. However, Hillary has also stated bluntly that reinstating Glass-Steagall would not address the types of institutions that […]