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Market Talk — December 17, 2015

Asia roared-on after all the fun and games in the U.S. with the Nikkei and Shanghai indices closing up close to 2%. Mid-price in yuan was fixed even lower (by the PBoC) at 6.4757; the yuan is allowed to trade within 2% of official fixing rate (previous 6.4626). Also worth mentioning here is the HKMA […]

Market Talk — December 16, 2015

An impressive performance overnight in Asia as we saw the Nikkei back above the 19k level with the 20k psychological target as the next barrier. Europe wanted to soldier on upwards but doing so ahead of the Fed’s announcement is a hesitant trading period. Most dealers were on hold, awaiting this evening’s announcement, and although […]

Subjective Analysis

QUESTION: Marty, it has become obvious that the analysts who try to attack you personally are the very people who hurt so many for they forecast only on opinion. They are often wrong and never see the big picture. One even claimed to have read all your transcripts and said you committed fraud yet could not […]

My Cyclical Approach

QUESTION:  Marty, I just watched ‘The Forecaster’ on demand, I just wanted to say it was an exceptional movie. I really enjoyed seeing your story played out, and following your journey to the discovery of pi in economic cycles. As an avid trader myself, although not nearly as successful as you [yet, hopefully!], I’m always […]

Market Talk – December 14, 2015

A mixed session in Asia in what was very much an overhang from Friday’s session but also very weary of the Fed in two days time. It is interesting that European equities continue to trade heavy (DAX, CAC, FTSE -1.75%) into the Fed, despite Mario Draghi’s comment earlier this morning. There are rising concerns about […]


As of January 1, 2016, Switzerland is handing over the names of everyone who has anything stored in its Swiss freeport customs warehouses. For decades, people have stored precious metals and art in Swiss custom ports — tax-free — as long as they did not take it into Switzerland. Now any hope on trusting Switzerland is totally […]

Commodities Depend on the Currency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said the decline in commodity prices will not reduce production but can actually accelerate output. How can this be? It does not make sense. ANSWER: Your perspective is too narrowly focused and solely dollar based. Because the commodities are declining in dollar terms with the dollar rising, in local currencies outside […]

Money vs. Fiat

QUESTION: Why do you do not see that money must be backed by something tangible? ANSWER: That is an antiquated barter perspective; you are blind to reality. Your proposition is that only gold has value and you yourself are worthless. This idea of fiat money is just out of line with reality. The traditional definition […]

Market Talk – December 7, 2015

Asia saw a mixed session with prices marginally lower, but not too much to write home about. It was not until Europe opened that we started to see a pick-up in volatility that provided dealers with something to talk about. The oil and energies market provided the discussion point with TWI, Brent, and Nat-Gas all […]

The 2014 Cycles of War Report

This is a special report that so many have been asking for as we head into this turning point in 2014. The Cycles of War is a major research effort we have undertaken over the years to gauge the rise and fall of empires, nations, and city-states. The War Cycle has its origins in two primary categories. First there is the traditional concept of international conflict with one nation invading another. This has been going on for centuries. However, there is a second source that is as vital as the first and is often even more devastating economically. This is the internal conflict of civil unrest that often leads to revolution. Naturally, revolution can be very serious for it was the source in modern times of the American and French Revolutions, the Russian Revolution, and the rise of Mao in China. It is certainly arguable that civil unrest presents a greater systemic risk than international conflict.

It is vital to understand this cycle and what it means for herein lies the fate of gold and the Dow Jones Industrial Index not to mention the Euro and European markets. This report covers the world including the cycles of war with respect to China and Russia in addition to the U.S., Japan, and Europe.


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