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Claudius II Gothicus – 268-270 AD

Claudius Gothicus II Emperor 268-270 AD   Born 214 Died 270 AD Marcus Aurelius Valerius Claudius Gothicus II was most likely from Upper Moesia. Claudius appears to have been an accomplished soldier originally serving as a tribune under Trajanus Decius and Valerian I. Under Valerian, Claudius rose to the highest rank of supreme commander of […]

Gordian III – 238-244 AD

Gordian III 238-244AD Marcus Antonius Gordianus (Gordian III) was born about 225AD. Gordian III was the grandson of the respected Proconsul of Africa Gordian I by his daughter. He was also the nephew of Gordian II. In 238 AD, a rebellion broke out against the emperor Maximinus I, and Gordian I was hailed emperor by […]


Abscissa – the horizontal baseline of a chart, x-axis. Ad Valorem Tax – A tax levied as a fixed percentage of the value of a particular item. Aggregate Demand – Total planned or desired spending in the economy as a whole in a given period. It is determined by the aggregate price level and by influences such as […]

Marcus Aurelius – 161-180AD

  Marcus Aurelius 161 – 180 AD Born 121 – died 180 AD, age 59 MARCUS ANNIUS VERUS, the stoic philosopher, was born in Rome in 121 A.D., the son of Annius Verus and Domitia Lucilla. Hadrian recognized the fine qualities of the youth, and he was originally betrothed to the daughter of Aelius Caesar. After […]

Marc Antony – 42 BC

Marc Antony Born 83 – Died 30 BC, age 53 Imperator, 46 – 30 BC Marcus Antonius was born in 83 BC, the son of Antonius Creticus and Julia, who was related to Julius Caesar. His father was a rather unsuccessful admiral who died early during his childhood. His mother remarried P. Cornelius Lentulus who raised him for most […]

Can the World Be Saved?

Can the World Be Saved? Global Meltdown post July 20th Hedge Funds – Fed Social Threats of War & Designing A New World Financial System by Martin A. Armstrong copyright October 3rd 1998 Princeton Economic Institute There has been much turmoil in the past several weeks that has led to considerable outcry for everything from […]

Do We Need to Be "Rescued From Capitalism?"

Global Meltdown Do we need to be “rescued from Capitalism?” By Martin A. Armstrong © September 16th, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute There is little doubt that the global economy is experiencing at the very least a short-term meltdown. George Soros’ comments yesterday calling for more intervention and bailouts because emerging market investors need to be […]

Is this the Next Great Depression?

Is this the Next Great Depression? Bond Defaults from 1931 By Martin A. Armstrong August 27, 1998 Copyright Princeton Economic Institute The collapse of Russia is having a profound impact upon the entire global financial markets from stocks, commodities and gold to currencies and bonds. Of all the great financial panics in history, this one […]

Intervention With a new twist

Intervention With a new twist By Martin A. Armstrong Copyright August 14, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute Friday’s price action in Hong Kong brought with it more than a mere short-cover rally of 9%. For perhaps the first time in history a government has directly intervened in a share market using the futures to do so. […]

The Crash of '98 Continues

The Crash of ’98 Continues By Martin A. Armstrong August 14, 1998 Copyright Princeton Economic Institute While our clients have been amazed that our computer model called for the peak in the stocks markets as July 20th, 1998 more than 4 years ago, some visitors to this site have sent their emails of disapproval. We […]