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Market Talk – November 27, 2015

The spotlight was firmly on China today where the equity tumbled over 6%. News that market regulators are investigating suspected violation by some of the countries brokerages finance their clients stock purchases. Citic fell to its daily limit (-10%) before closing. Other non-financials also fell with notable Cathy Pacific, Petro-China and Sinopec were all down […]

We are Watching the Demise of Politics As We Have Known It

The Republican Party tried its best to destroy Donald Trump. Like the French Royalty, they learned nothing and have merely tried to retain power by blocking out the rising storm of the people they consider the Great Unwashed. The Democrats are no better. They have the audacity to push Hillary in our face and ignore […]

Market Talk – November 24th, 2015

The morning session in Asia was rather dull but all recovered in the afternoon into positive territory with the exception being Hang Seng (which was still down -0.3%). Europe drifted into the negative shortly after the open as news was still focused on the nervous Belgium shut-down. All trading was dull and in thin conditions […]

Personal Questions & THE CLUB

QUESTION: Dear Martin: I hope you are well and congratulations for your amazing and educational daily blog. 1. Why you never accepted the business proposals of “The Club”?. 2. Why you said that be a hedge fund manager, would alter your quality of life?. 3. It is so stressful be a successful hedge fund manager, […]

Market Talk November 19th, 2015

Asia saw a good performance today for stocks on the back of the FED’s supportive stance and the chance of a “one and done” approach, an unchanged policy decision by the Bank of Japan but also China cut in its overnight lending facility. In Europe this positive stance continued early in the session but retraced […]

How Stocks Rise in an Economic Decline

QUESTION: Marty, Japan is in another recession but the Nikkei continues to go up!! I assume this is mainly because of the carry trade?? Your thought, please. Regards, RC  ANSWER: This is the New Age of Economics. When you enter a Sovereign Debt Crisis, people lose confidence in government. When that takes place, capital moves […]

Welcome to the New Age Economy – Even Buffet Cannot Make the Transition

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I diversified my money into a number of hedge funds and I lost on each and every one from gold, commodities, stocks that did not even match the S&P 500 to those who piled into oil. It seems 2015 has been a total wipe out for professionals. It would be great if […]

Origin of Dollar Sign

Apparently, there is some new conspiracy theory running around that claims that the dollar sign ($) is some sort of symbol for a secret banking cartel because “S” is not found in the word “dollar”. Sorry, it seems that these people are desperate to create some support for whatever it is they are trying to […]

What Is the Strength of the Dollar? Its People, Military, or Commodities?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, so many of these goldbugs really hate the dollar and they argue that since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971, the dollar’s strength has been maintained by a U.S. military that has enforced the petroleum-based dollar for world trade. This seems to be way off the mark for it is the US […]

Market Talk – November 16, 2015

All markets opened on a nervous note following Fridays atrocities. In Asia, we saw the Nikkei and Hand Seng both down by more than 1%. This was accompanied by a flight to safety into bonds, gold, and the U.S. dollar. As European markets opened, the mood was still negative, and all indices opened weakly. CAC […]