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Are Terrorist Attacks Following the 8.6-Year Frequency?

We have many readers in Brussels who have my sincere sympathy for what is taking place in Europe. I have hesitated to be an alarmist with this aspect of our war cycle, but one reader sent this note today: Dear Martin, I could have been one of the victims today since I passed the Maalbeek […]

The Interconnected Fractal Nature of Everything Causes Negative People to Lose Everything

QUESTION: Marty, you have said since the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ took out last year’s low and the Dow did not, it does not necessarily imply the Dow must do so since it is international compared to the others being domestic. You said that crude had to close below $35 at year end or […]

Will The Youth Save Us?

James Paterson, the youngest senator ever to be elected in Australia at 28-years-old, has boldly stated, “I’m not here for personal power and advancement.” He is a member of the Liberal Party and says he is there to pursue “radical reforms,” which include throwing out the national curriculum in schools, for they are indeed pointless, and reimposing a […]

Earthquakes and Intensity

QUESTION:  I thank you for including in your studies even the most intricate of historical information…your work has been fascinating to watch. In regard to Earthquakes, is there any cycle in the intensity of the cyclical quakes; any mini-cycles within the overall arch of the 46 year cycles; or any increase in the intensity for quakes […]

Is The Pending Euro Collapse on Target From Our 2011 Forecast of 2016.202?

The euro crisis appears to be unfolding right on target rather amazingly. Our target was published in “The Rise and Fall of the Euro” back in 2011. The target for the collapse in confidence was 2016.202. This comes into play March 13/14, 2016. It is rather amazing that we can target a specific event within time, years […]

Trading Reversals in Reverse

Trading is something you have to develop a "feel" for. The only way to do that is with experience. The object of our modeling is to place the entire world before you. Once you become familiar with how to use the model, you will be able to look at any market and ascertain its direction based upon experience with the model in other markets.

The World View

The year 2015 was 13 years up from the 2002 low in the stock market following the DOT.COM bubble. That low was rather significant for many markets have yet to exceed that 2000 nominal high, such as in France. This has warned, as was the case in gold from 2011, that a correction became possible. […]

Crude — What Lies Beneath $30 & Where Will Resistance Stand Here After?

The fear has been that Iran will start dumping oil now that the sanctions have been lifted. Thus, crude has been falling out of bed in a nightmare scenario. The fact that Crude was below $35 and then rallied to close above it for the 2015 year-end closing was a warning that the long-term may […]

2015.75: The Start of Sovereign Debt Crisis

We warned that 2015.75 was the turning point to the start of BIG BANG. As we now have entered the down wave on the Economic Confidence Model, things will begin to heat up. I have warned that our current crisis in 2016 has been created by the total mismanagement of government by politicians. This year […]

Pi & Major Changes in the Monetary System

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have said that the Pi cycle shows up everywhere in finance. I have looked at the charts you posted in the Roman Empire. Has this had a major impact in modern times aside from your Economic Confidence Model? ANSWER: Of course. Just look at Roosevelt’s 1934 confiscation of gold. Add 31.4 […]