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Interview: Sleepwalking To The Gates of Hell with Martin Armstrong

Listen above or click here to listen to my latest interview with Outer Limits. Commentary from Ryan McCormick: With or without our consent, humanity is being dragged into a horrific third world war. Martin speaks with Ryan McCormick from The Outer Limits of Inner Truth ( and gives a sobering assessment and forecast of how, […]

Answering Questions

QUESTION #1:  I live in the US. When the sovereign debt explodes, and I will “own nothing “, does that mean that any car, house or property that has a loan on it will become the property of the bank and or government? Does it mean property that is paid off and I hold the […]

Comment from Europe

COMMENT From Europe: There is another side to the pipeline explosions also. There is growing dissatisfaction among average Europeans over electricity prices and gas prices. Normal people that don’t have any connections with either Russia or Ukraine and do not care if Donbas and Crimea belong to Russia or any other nation. Europeans just want […]

West’s Desperate Play for War – Blowing Up The Pipelines

The sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipelines was most likely accomplished with US intelligence. Not only is the Biden Administration intent on ending fossil fuels, but this was a strategic maneuver on how to wage war. Just as adversaries would counterfeit each other’s currencies in a desperate measure to undermine their economy to strip them […]

Welcome to the New Age of Volatility

The world is entering a crisis in confidence. First we had the COVID manufactured crisis, that spawned the Energy Crisis, and now we are entering the Currency Crisis phase. As I have said, we have the worst possible of incompetent world leaders I have ever witnesses in my life. With all the talking heads on […]

Market Talk – September 14, 2022

ASIA: China’s central bank carried out 2-billion-yuan (about $289 million) worth of reverse repos on Wednesday to maintain liquidity in the banking system. The interest rate for the seven-day reverse repo was set at 2 percent, according to the People’s Bank of China. The aim of this step is to maintain stable liquidity in the […]

Market Talk – September 12, 2022

ASIA: The Biden administration plans to expand restrictions on US shipments to China of semiconductors used in artificial intelligence and chip-making tools next month, Reuters reported. The Commerce Department intends to publish new regulations based on restrictions announced earlier this year in letters to three US companies – KLA Corp, Lam Research Corp and Applied […]

The Time of Separation of the USA is Rapidly Approaching

QUESTION: Marty, is Steve Bannon another pre-election ploy to put a spike in the heart of Republicans for the elections? ZB ANSWER: Of course. Claiming that you raised money and then did not disclose you were paying salaries is really stretching it. You can put every charity in prison for the very same thing. How […]

Boomerang Kids

Boomerang kids is a term for those who moved out of their parents’ home only to return. The number of young adults who were forced to move back home reached historic highs in 2020 when the pandemic began. In fact, three in ten Gen Zers (18-25) moved back home with their parents during the pandemic […]

Germans Stockpiling Firewood

We are quickly reverting back to the Dark Ages. Cooking and keeping warm with fossil fuels may become a luxury as the energy crisis spreads across the West. Reports are growing from Germany that people are stockpiling firewood before the winter season. Google search results for “brennholz” (firewood) peaked this August in Germany as their […]